The Australian Government is to deploy additional soldiers to support the Nato-led Resolute Support training mission in Afghanistan. 

An additional 30 Australian Defence Force soldiers will be sent to train, advise and assist the mission in Afghanistan. The move will increase the total number of Australian troops in Afghanistan from 270 to approximately 300.

Additional personnel will provide crucial extra support and expertise to the Afghan National Defence and Security Forces in their fight against terrorism.

The increase in support to Afghanistan follows a recent request from Nato to contributing nations to consider boosting their participation to the Resolute Support mission.

"Additional personnel will provide crucial extra support and expertise to the Afghan National Defence and Security Forces in their fight against terrorism."

The mission was launched in January 2015 to provide further support for Afghan security forces and institutions.

The mission focuses on supporting planning, programming and budgeting, transparency, accountability and oversight. In addition, it also supports adherence to the principles of rule of law and good governance, supporting the establishment and sustainment of such processes as force generation, recruiting, training, managing, and development of personnel.

The mission operates with one central hub in Kabul/Bagram and four bases in Mazar-e Sharif, Herat, Kandahar and Laghman.

Allies and partner countries are committed to the broader international community’s support for the long-term financial sustainment of the Afghan security forces until the end of 2020.