The French Army has launched two helicopter simulator training centres, the Tiger simulation centre at the Franco-German Tiger training school and the French Army light aviation training application school (EA-ALAT).

French Army light aviation simulation coordinator Lt-Col. Merck said the use of simulation systems by the army significantly reduces training costs and improves the abilities of crews to deploy complex weapon systems for sustainable operations.

The Tiger simulation centre at the Franco-German Tiger training school is equipped with four simulation suites, each including two full-mission simulators and two cockpit procedures trainers.

Flight conditions for both French and German versions of the Tiger helicopter will be simulated at a full-scale level of actuality.

The simulators simulate the group of weapon systems and provide operational scenarios for daytime and night flights with both light-intensification and infrared equipment.

The EA-ALAT simulation centre incorporates three flight and navigation trainers for instruments flights training on Fennec helicopters, the Edith six-seat tactical trainer to simulate Gazelle, Puma, Tiger or NH90 helicopters and the combined flight and weapon system trainer.

The systems used at the Tiger simulation centre were built by Thales in cooperation with German company Rheinmetal Defence Electronics, while the suite of systems used at the EA-ALAT simulation centre are developed exclusively by Thales.