NetFires, a joint venture between Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, has successfully demonstrated the Non Line-of-Sight-Launch System’s (NLOS-LS) Precision Attack Missile’s ability to track and target a moving vehicle.

As part of the test, a PAM missile was launched from a NLOS-LS Container Launch Unit (CLU) with an on-board, imaging infrared seeker to identify and track a moving T-72 tank travelling with other vehicles. The test resulted in direct hit at 9km.

The NLOS-LS takes targeting information from the command and control centre and feeds it to the NLOS-LS CLU’s computer and communications system for initial missile targeting. The in-flight missile can also receive updates on the target from the centre.

The NLOS-LS is designed to target both stationary and moving objects. Previous tests proved the systems effectiveness against stationary targets.

NLOS-LS project manager Colonel Doug Dever said that the ability of the PAM missile to defeat a moving target is a first for the US Army.

“Once fielded, NLOS-LS is going to give soldiers in the BCTs and sailors on littoral combat ships the ability to precisely engage moving targets – a capability they’ve never had before,” Dever said.

The tests were conducted in White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico.