The US Army and Kratos Digital Fusion subsidiary have successfully tested the first guided test flight of the Non-Line of Sight Transport (NLOS-T) proof of principle prototype.
The US Army Aviation and Missile Research, Development and Engineering Centre (AMRDEC), NLOS-LS Project Office and the US Army Strategic Missile Defence Command are involved in the programme.
The NLOS-T programme is for a canister launched missile or unmanned system capable of delivering a variety of lethal and non-lethal payloads and providing intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance information.
The NLOS-T programme was created as a new approach in the development of highly effective, flexible and affordable weapon systems.
The NLOS-T is initially designed to be ground launched from a NLOS-LS Container Launch Unit canister using a custom booster developed by the army’s AMRDEC propulsion lab.
NLOS-T operates autonomously using a GPS assisted Inertial Navigation System (INS) to fly a pre-programmed mission.
The primary objective for the first test flight to demonstrate transition from boost phase to sustained controlled flight was completed as where all other objectives including flying GPS waypoints and dispensing multiple payloads.
Kratos/DFI was selected as the prime contractor and commenced design and development of NLOS-T in March 2006.
NLOS-T is planned for future transition to the army’s Non Line of Sight Launch System (NLOS-LS). Future plans for NLOS-T include enhancements to the air vehicle design to optimise performance, integration and demonstration of various user payloads.