The US Department of Defense (DoD) has awarded a $1.05bn mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) all terrain vehicles (M-ATV) contract to Oshkosh Corporation.

M-ATVs protect the crew from any IEDs, enhancing troop mobility and vehicle durability in rough terrains like Afghanistan.

The vehicles incorporate armour systems from Plasan North America, used on more than 5,000 MRAP vehicles and for the Armoured Cab Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacements (MTVR) in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The M-ATV features side slope stability, vehicle durability, extreme mobility, Warfighter protection and a TAK-4 suspension system.

Oshkosh Corporation is also working to equip more than 1,500 legacy MRAPs with the TAK-4 system for the US Army.

Initial deliveries of 2,244 M-ATVs were ordered for the US Army Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command (TACOM) and the Life Cycle Management Command (LCMC).

The deliveries are expected to start in July.