The US Army will soon have its first full-motion, high-fidelity CH-47F operational flight trainer for its flight school XXI programme.
Computer Sciences Corporation has awarded the $31.8m flight trainer contract to L-3 Link Simulation Ű Training (L-3 Link).
L-3 Link’s CH-47F flight trainer will help the aircrew to develop their skills in individual or networked training exercises by simulating on-flight conditions.
The trainer integrates six degrees-of-freedom electric motion system with a secondary simulator for aircraft vibrations. Aircrew can also view computer-generated imagery through a wide field-of-view.
The cockpit software will simulate the CH-47F’s engine, electrical, hydraulic, navigation and communication systems with weapons, sensors and aircraft survivability equipment.
This will be the first simulator built by L-3 Link to incorporate a common avionics architecture system (CAAS) simulation that features five 6in×8in night-vision-compatible multifunction displays and two control display units.
It will be the 31st training device L-3 Link has delivered to the flight school XXI programme.
The CH-47F is scheduled for testing and release for training in November 2011.