Allegheny Technologies has unveiled the first new, high-hard steel armour developed in the US since the Vietnam war.

ATI 500-MIL armour steel is designed to meet the new US MIL-DTL-46100E high-hard specifications for ballistic performance and is being qualified for NATO and other international standards, Allegheny said.

It protects against such threats as armour-piercing rounds while also offering good blast-resistance properties.

Applications range from medium- and heavy-weight tactical vehicles to armoured patrol cars, above-deck structures on ships and aboard aircraft in perforated versions.

The advantages of ATI 500-MIL armour steel include markedly improved flatness over other high-hard steel products, better hardness consistency, minimal distortion when cut, the ability to use hot or cold forming processes and the capability to introduce bends in the material without weldments.

In addition, the specialty steel is auto-tempered, which does not require the normal quench and temper treatment.

By staff writer