The US Army TACOM has awarded a contract to BAE Systems through the foreign military sales route to produce and deliver nine second-generation international light armoured vehicles (ILAV).

Under the $9m contract, the company will provide six ILAV explosive ordnance disposal variants and three ILAV interrogator arm variants, along with repair parts.

The ILAV is a 4×4 v-shaped hull, mine protected vehicle available in five variants including international light armoured vehicle (base vehicle), interrogator arm, explosive ordnance disposal, joint surrogate vehicle and MRAP training.

Work on the contract will also be performed by Force Protection Industries and Spartan Chassis at BAE’s facilities in South Carolina and Pennsylvania, US.

Delivery of the vehicles is expected to be complete in May 2012.

The US and foreign allies have received more than 700 ILAVs to date since 2006.