Harris will deliver programmable encryption devices and support services to Northrop Grumman for use in the US Army Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below-Blue Force Tracking system (FBCB2-BFT).

The programmable in-line encryption device, known as the KGV-72, provides advanced information security to the FBCB2-BFT network for rapid decision-making in a tactical environment.

The KGV-72 enables the FBCB2-BFT system to encrypt and transmit sensitive information network traffic and is also fully interoperable with the next version of FBCB2-BFT software, the Joint Capability Release (JCR).

The FBCB2-BFT platforms and network operations centres provide commanders with situational awareness and battle command capabilities while also supporting the operational requirements of the US Army.

The company will manufacture the devices at its facilities in Rochester, New York, US.