MBDA has been selected by the French Direction Générale de l’Armement (DGA) for the development of the Future Tactical Air-to-Surface Missile (MAST-F) programme.

French Minister for the Armed Forces Florence Parly announced the selection during a visit to the company’s site in France.

It follows after MBDA proposed its Missile Haut de Trame / Missile Longue Portée – high tier missile / long-range mobile missile (MHT/MLP concept) to the DGA.

The missile will serve as the main air to ground armament for the French Army’s Tiger combat helicopter.

The MHT/MLP concept is based on the mid-range MMP weapon, which is the first fifth-generation land combat missile to enter service across the globe.

Featuring a modular architecture, MHT/MLP can be easily integrated with various land or air combat platforms.

The MHT/MLP weighs 20% less compared to other missiles in its category, which will benefit the Tiger helicopter with increased fuel capacity and combat endurance.

It provides a range of more than 8km, even from a stationary platform located at a low altitude. The multi-effect warhead on the missile is designed to tackle different targets.

MBDA CEO Eric Béranger said: “The MHT/MLP missile combines new technologies, developed with the support of the DGA, with the tried and tested components of the MMP, making it an effector at the forefront of today’s tactical land combat missiles.

“It offers a flexibility of use unmatched in today’s armed forces, while minimising development risks.

“And with its all-European design authority, the MHT/MLP programme will fully contribute to the strategic autonomy objectives set by France and the European Union.”

In August, Lockheed Martin and MBDA Deutschland submitted an updated proposal to deliver Germany’s future Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) system.