MBDA Deutschland and Lockheed Martin joint venture (JV) has jointly submitted a proposal for Germany’s future integrated air and missile defence (IAMD) system.

The companies formed the joint venture last year for the development of the future IAMD system also known as Taktisches Luftverteidigungssystem (TLVS).

The proposal was submitted to the German Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support (BAAINBw).

Under the proposal, the JV will develop, test and deliver the TLVS system.

The tender process for the procurement of the system will involve four phases, including development, integration, testing and delivery of a fielded multi-mission system.

The fielded unit is expected to provide greater performance when compared to the Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS) programme, MBDA noted.

Lockheed Martin and MBDA have been working on a tri-lateral development of MEADS. The founding partners of the MEADS programme include the US, Germany and Italy.

In July 2016, the programme proposed to use MEADS technology as the basis for Germany’s next-generation TLVS. The TLVS IMAD system is intended to replace Germany’s Patriot missile system, which was designed in the late 1960s.

TLVS JV managing director Dietmar Thelen said: “A brief glance at the headlines shows significant advances in adversarial threats in just the last five years, and we are operating in an environment today where those threats will likely only continue to proliferate. Germany needs a future-proof solution that can grow with the emerging threat.”

MBDA stated that the 2019 TLVS proposal will have the ability to offer protection from a broader threat spectrum with two mission-specific effectors.

Other enhancements include improved radar capabilities for long-range engagements and a communications system to enable greater interoperability, data fusion and cyber resilience.

TLVS can simultaneously detect, track and intercept multiple threat sets, including medium and short-range threats with full 360° coverage.

TLVS joint venture managing director Gregory Kee said: “We’ve completely reimagined TLVS based on customer requirements.

“Our approach reduces risk, supports lower life-cycle costs and enables more effective coalition operations. TLVS will allow Germany to provide regional protection as the Framework Nation for Air and Missile Defense for Nato, with a high degree of system sovereignty.”