A team of Raytheon Technologies, Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin have announced their selection for the first phase of the US Army’s long-range manoeuvrable fires (LRMF) programme.

The LRMF programme aims to develop a missile solution that can be fired from the US Army’s existing launcher systems to counter several distant threats at long ranges, which exceeds the Precision Strike Missile (PrSM) baseline.

This programme will run in four increments, finally advancing to PrSM Increment 4 stage.

After Phase-I, the LRMF programme will transition to the Army’s Strategic and Operational Rockets and Missiles project office for informing the design of PrSM-ER Increment 4.

The multi-phased approach will help the service in addressing specific operational requirements for integration into the Army’s existing platforms.

Under the new phase, the Northrop-Raytheon team will collaborate to work on the design, development and evaluation of the propulsion subsystem for an advanced missile solution, named DeepStrike-extended range (ER).

DeepStrike-ER will help the companies to showcase their capability for achieving the army’s range requirements to counter emerging adversaries.

Northrop Grumman Missile Products vice-president Jim Kalberer said: “Northrop Grumman’s ongoing investment in new propulsion technologies and infrastructure support growing need for efficient and effective missile systems.

“Our mission-tailored solution will include advanced propulsion technology and key components designed to increase capacity within the launch system and achieve optimal range extension.”

Phase-I will allow Lockheed to work on design and risk-reduction activities for its PrSM solution.

Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control Advanced Programmes Execution and Transition vice-president Steven Botwinik said: “Lockheed Martin is partnering with the US Army to give soldiers a decisive edge on the battlefield by extending their reach.”