The Indian Government has issued an order for permanent commission (PC) to all women officers in the army.

In February, the Supreme Court directed the government to grant PC within three months.

The court’s landmark ruling for the Indian military allowed women officers eligible for command positions on par with their male counterparts.

In line with this, the Indian Ministry of Defence (MoD) has issued the formal Government Sanction Letter for grant of PC to short service commissioned (SSC) women officers.

The PC grant is applicable to women in the Indian Army’s ten branches, namely Army Air Defence (AAD), Signals, Engineers, Army Aviation, Electronics and Mechanical Engineers (EME), Army Service Corps (ASC), Army Ordnance Corps (AOC), and Intelligence Corps in addition to the existing streams of Judge and Advocate General (JAG) and Army Educational Corps (AEC).

In a statement, the MoD said: “In anticipation, the Army Headquarters had set in motion a series of preparatory actions for conduct of the Permanent Commission Selection Board for affected Women Officers.

“The Selection Board will be scheduled as soon as all affected SSC Women Officers exercise their option and complete requisite documentation.

“The Indian Army is committed to provide equal opportunities to all personnel including Women Officers to serve the Nation.”

The Indian Navy and Indian Air Force have already granted PC to women officers.