India has unveiled the locally developed machine pistol ASMI for the defence forces.

Jointly developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and the Indian Army, the pistol was recently displayed at an event.

According to local news reports, the machine pistol is in the class of the Uzi series guns of Israel and has a range of around 100m.

The weapon is expected to replace the 9mm pistols currently used by the defence forces.

DRDO was quoted by Livemint as saying in a statement: “The prototype has fired over 300 rounds in the last four months of its development.”

Notably, India completed the final phase of user trials of the locally developed 5.56×30mm protective carbine last month.

The Joint Venture Protective Carbine (JVPC) is now set for induction into service after meeting all general service quality requirement (GSQR) parameters during the trials.

The gas-operated semi bull-pup carbine weighs 3kg and is capable of firing 700 rounds per minute (rpm). The weapon is expected to be used for counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism operations.

Headquartered in Delhi, DRDO is a government agency focusing on military research and development.

In December, DRDO conducted the first launch of the medium-range surface-to-air missile (MRSAM) for the Indian Army. The missile was jointly developed by DRDO and Israel’s IAI.

Additionally, the organisation delivered three locally developed systems to the armed forces last month, including an all-weather electronic surveillance system.