Global vehicle solutions provider AM General has received a requirements contract for the production of new M997A3 high-mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle (HMMWV) ambulances.

Awarded by the US Army Contracting Command (ACC), the contract is expected to reach a total value of approximately $800m, if all options are exercised.

As the prime contractor for the project, AM General will be responsible for the production of an approximate number of up to 2,800 new M997A3 ambulances.

AM General US Defence executive vice-president Chris Vanslager said: “AM General continues to support the warfighter’s needs by delivering high-quality M997A3 ambulances based off our modernised, proven, rugged, all-terrain HMMWVs.

“We understand the importance of being able to reliably and safely transport the wounded within operational areas on the battlefield to medical aid stations and are proud that the M997A3 can fulfil this critical mission.”

“AM General continues to support the warfighter’s needs by delivering high-quality M997A3 ambulances based off our modernised, proven, rugged, all-terrain HMMWVs.”

The company will collaborate with US Army installation Rock Island Arsenal to ensure quality and consistency in the manufacturing process of the M997A3 HMMWV ambulances.

In addition, AM General will purchase all required system materials and parts, and manufacture the chassis and body structure before delivering the integrated chassis system to Rock Island Arsenal.

The ambulance shelter will be manufactured and assembled into the final product at the US Army installation.

Deliveries of the first batch of ambulances are slated to be carried out during the second quarter of next year.

In August last year, AM General secured a $2.2bn firm fixed price foreign military sale requirements contract from the US ACC for the production of approximately 11,560 HMMWVs, which included protected weapons carriers, ambulances, cargo transporters and communications vehicles.

Equipped with advanced armour protection, M997A3 has been designed to be operational in all weather conditions and for all types of roads and cross-country terrains.