General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (GA-EMS) has secured a contract from Advanced Technology International to support a satellite designed to provide communications to the US Army.

Under the contract, GA-EMS will support the Army Resilient Global On-the-move SATCOM (ARGOS) system.

The ARGOS satellite system is capable of providing ultra-high-frequency (UHF) and very high-frequency (VHF) beyond-line-of-sight (BLOS) assured communications and unattended ground sensor (UGS) data capture capabilities for the army.

GA-EMS Missile Defense and Space Systems vice-president Nick Bucci said: “Our team has demonstrated success in the rapid design, development, test, and launch of satellite systems like ARGOS.

“ARGOS will play an important role in delivering beyond the horizon assured communications for the army component and combatant commanders.”

“ARGOS will play an important role in delivering beyond the horizon assured communications for the army component and combatant commanders. A satellite-based system will provide assured communications for future warfighters whenever and wherever they need it.”

The ARGOS satellite also supports the needs of combatant commanders and partner nations.

General Atomics stated that the US Army and combatant commanders are involved in countering transnational crime, humanitarian assistance and peacekeeping operations support amongst other operations.

To date, GA-EMS has successfully flown 11 satellites by providing concept to on-orbit integrated system solutions. This has provided support to a variety of defence and aerospace applications.

GA-EMS is involved in the development of space satellite system solutions, including emerging technologies for 3U to 6U CubeSats and small satellites that offer a high-degree of configuration and payload flexibility.