FLIR Systems has secured a $109m contract from the US Army to supply up to 350 Common Robotic System-Heavy (CRS-H) systems.
The systems will improve the protection of explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) soldiers by allowing them to detect, access and achieve final disposition of hazardous devices at a safe standoff.
Under the potential five-year contract, FLIR Systems will start deliveries in the third quarter of fiscal year 2020.
The CRS-H system will feature payloads such as cameras, one radio relay, manipulator arm, radios, cargo carrier rack and operator control unit.
It will deliver an enhanced capability to deal safely with improvised explosive devices (IEDs), weapons of mass destruction and vehicle-borne IEDs.
US Army Combat Support and Combat Service Support programme executive officer Timothy Goddette said: “The army is modernising robotic and autonomous capabilities with a family of enduring systems that leverage the best of available commercial technology critical to giving soldiers overmatch in future contingencies.
“The current approach allows the army to focus resources on fast-changing payload technology, rather than having to replace entire systems, meaning soldiers can access new technology faster and can buy more of what the army really requires.”
The system’s manipulator arm lift capacity, close to the platform, is expected to be more than 275lbs.
The CRS-H has a speed in excess of 6mph and obstacle clearance of more than 3in.
Prior to awarding the contract, the army conducted soldier evaluation that included testing of the three candidate CRS-H systems.
The contract also includes refurbishment of systems, spare parts, logistics development and user training support.