The European Commission and the High Representative have proposed new measures to improve military mobility within the European Union (EU).
The newly adopted Joint Communication describes the steps to be taken to address the obstacles hampering the movement of military equipment and personnel across the EU.
Due to the specific status of armed forces and equipment, military mobility is legally bound by certain national decisions and EU rules.
The new measures are aimed to allow the military to quickly and effectively react to internal and external crises.
These will help in facilitating a variety of tasks ranging from routine needs to strategic pre-deployment of military forces and resources.
High Representative and vice-president Federica Mogherini said: “European citizens understand that only together, as a union, can we tackle the security challenges of our times. Cooperation inside the European Union and with our partners has become a must.
“There is a growing demand for our Member States to coordinate and work together on defence. So while we are moving forward with the Permanent Structured Cooperation to make our defence more effective, we have also decided to further strengthen military mobility among EU Member States and in cooperation with Nato.”
The High Representative and the commission will propose an Action Plan on Military Mobility for Member States’ endorsement by March 2018.
The plan includes developing a shared understanding of the needs and requirements, a common understanding of the infrastructure and addressing relevant regulatory and procedural issues.