European Defence Agency (EDA) has announced that its Tactical Personnel Recovery Mission Simulator (TPRMS) system has achieved full operational capability (FOC).

The FOC milestone was marked by a ceremony held at the Italian Air Force Base Poggio Renatico on 7 December.

It was attended by officials and representatives from eight member nations, including the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland and Romania.

Officials from five international organisations, including European Personnel Recovery Centre, US Joint Personnel Recovery Agency, Nato Joint Air Power Competence Centre, among others, were also present for the FOC event.

As part of the event, the Italian Air Force personnel conducted a live demonstration of the training session within the TPRMS system, which is developed to train troops to conduct personnel recovery missions.

The team used a specially designed virtual reality scenario and demonstrated the training system’s performance and technology. 

The TPRMS system will allow troops to safely practice personnel recovery missions, which is otherwise considered life-threatening to rehearse in live training scenarios.

EDA chief executive Jiri SEDIVY said: “TPRMS is a major achievement for European defence cooperation and the personnel recovery community.

“The simulator is a unique and powerful training capability to enhance European expertise in Personnel Recovery through the innovative use of training simulations, an expertise that has clear operational value in most difficult threat environments.”

According to EDA, TPRMS includes 20 posts that replicates components of personnel recovery forces, comprising of land soldier, land combat vehicles crews, rotary and fixed air-wings crew and PR mission planners.

Following the FOC, the EDA has commenced a TPRMS pilot course to support a common approach of training PR forces of the eight nations to prepare for future deployments.