The Moroccan Defense Administration has procured six EF-Car Motion and eight EF-Trucks from defence simulators provider ECA GROUP.

Light and heavy vehicles driving simulators will be installed at the administration’s training centres.

The devices will be used by Moroccan defence’s trainees, including new recruits to learn how to drive the organisation’s vehicles. This will help them receive their driving licences.

The company has been selected for its capability to provide affordable, safe and ‘high quality and immersive driving training’.

EF-Car Motion and EF-Truck simulators are designed to help the trainees familiarise themselves with local road traffic regulations and signage.

ECA GROUP has been providing driving training solutions to the Moroccan Defense Administration for the past ten years.

In 2019, the Moroccan Government reinstated compulsory military service for young men and women aged 19 to 25 years.

This law led the Moroccan Defense Administration to further strengthen its training centres’ capability.

The defence company’s EF-Car is a car driving simulator. It is used as a training tool for road safety education, promote ecological awareness and predict risky situations.

Meanwhile, ECA’s EF-Truck NG is a ‘high tech simulation system’ that features a realistic cab motion platform and lifelike graphics.

In a statement, the company said: “ECA GROUP driving simulators are continuously improved in order to fill our customer’s expectations.”