DiSTI has won a contract to upgrade the Counter-Rocket, Artillery, Mortar (C-RAM) Land-Based Phalanx Weapon System (LPWS) Operator and Maintainer Trainer (OMT) for the US Army.

As an original equipment manufacturer, DiSTI has been awarded the contract to upgrade the Operator and Maintainer.

The training software required an upgrade to keep up with the changes implemented for C-RAM along with the Technical Manuals associated with the device.

Under this project, US Army soldiers will use C-RAM II OMT to familiarise with operation and maintenance of the C-RAM LPWS.

In October 2018, DiSTI designed, developed and tested numerous electronic classrooms and training application software for the C-RAM LPWS and OMT under a US Army contract.

The company used its VE Studio Virtual Training Development Platform for creating the training application software.

DISTI chief risk officer John Cunningham said: “We are honoured to have been selected by the US Army to upgrade the C-RAM Virtual Operations and Maintenance Trainer.

“The use of virtual technologies to train operators and maintainers continues to deliver real benefits to our military and commercial customers.

“Because the C-RAM was originally developed using DiSTI’s VE Studio Common Core Architecture the enhancements can be completed in a much more cost-effective and timely manner than traditional hand-coding practices.”

Additionally, DiSTI will install a set of classroom equipment, supporting the training requirements for soldiers assigned to Air Defense Artillery (ADA) units.