The Netherlands Ministry of Defence’s (MoD) Defence Geographic Agency (DGeo) has selected Maxar Technologies’ SecureWatch platform.

SecureWatch is a cloud-based geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) platform.

The multi-million dollar, multi-year SecureWatch subscription will give DGeo on-demand access to 110-petabyte, high-resolution satellite imagery and geospatial data.

This abundant and diverse geospatial data will allow DGeo to enhance its existing geospatial foundation data holdings and derivative product portfolio, which it uses in the critical decision-making process.

Some of the activities that the Netherlands MoD uses this data include disaster response, mission planning and border security.

Maxar Global Field Operations executive vice-president Tony Frazier said: “Maxar is delighted to bring DGeo and the Dutch MoD ecosystem into SecureWatch’s ever-growing community of subscribers.

“As one of the largest SecureWatch awards to date, this contract is the culmination of a careful consultation process with DGeo, ensuring that Maxar’s solution has the greatest impact on their work.

“SecureWatch, with its mission-centric design and depth of content, fits DGeo’s requirements perfectly.”

SecureWatch will also give DGeo access to Maxar’s FirstLook service, vivid and metro imagery mosaics and synthetic aperture radar data from MDA’s RADARSAT-2 satellite.

Furthermore, DGeo will also gain the rights to use WorldView Legion constellation imagery through SecureWatch.

WorldView Legion constellation is scheduled for completion by 2021 following the launch of the first block.

DGeo commanding officer lieutenant colonel Rijk van Hunnik said: “SecureWatch will facilitate DGeo’s ability to bring geospatial insights to a broader community within the Dutch MoD.

“Secure, on-demand and easy access to very high-resolution imagery promises to be a game-changer for our decision-making process and operations, allowing us to allocate resources in the most effective way possible.”