The British Army has tested new equipment on the Salisbury Plain Training Area (SPTA) during a training exercise.

During Exercise Wessex Storm, the normally Catterick Garrison-based Light Dragoons trialled new systems to determine their ideal use.

This includes testing the Dismounted Situational Awareness (DSA) device that is worn on body armour, and enables the soldier to pinpoint their individual location and track friendly forces movements.

The Light Dragoons also trialled the SPEXER 360 radar, and Saab Barracuda camouflage nets.

The X-band radar system is designed for tactical surveillance and is capable of providing detailed warnings of incoming threats while Barracuda camouflage nets can be erected quickly to protect the troops from detection.

The military drills were conducted between 18 February and 11 March to assess soldiers’ capabilities within an assembled battlegroup, under challenging conditions.

A battlegroup includes an infantry or cavalry unit as its base, with attachments offering specific capabilities.

Such exercises involving battlegroups are conducted in Canada (Exercise Prairie Storm) and Kenya (Exercise Askari Storm).

A battlegroup is cleared for operational deployments after they complete the exercises.

In a statement, the British Army said: “The Light Dragoons are able to trace their lineage back to the days of soldiers charging into battle on horseback, but these days their specialism, as a light cavalry unit, is reconnaissance.

“This skill allows battlespace information to be rapidly reported back to commanders, giving them more options to deal with situations as they arise; hence, this innovation role is well-suited.”

Last month, Thales UK secured a contract to supply sighting systems for the British Army’s upgraded Challenger 3 main battle tanks (MBTs).