Rafale fighters lead as Army Technology lists ten of the most popular tweets on military and security in August 2020 based on data from GlobalData’s Influencer Platform.
Top tweets on military and security in August 2020
1. Isaac Alexander’s tweet on India’s Rafale Fighters
Isaac Alexander, chief editor at Jet City Star, a website covering aerospace and defence news, shared an article on China’s comments on India’s Rafale Fighters being no match to its stealth jets.
B.S. Dhanoa, the former Indian Air Force chief, noted that China’s new J-20 stealth fighter is no match for the France-built Rafale Fighters. China in retaliation noted that J-20 stealth fighter jets are superior in terms of technology, capabilities, and range.
The article details that neither the Rafale Fighters or the J-20 stealth fighter jets have been tested in battle, and their performance highly depends on pilot quality, availability of ground radar, anti-aircraft missiles, and airbase distance from the battlefield.
Missiles of India's Rafale are of 50 miles range while missiles of China's J-20 are equipped with range of 124 miles! https://t.co/PnTuVPXCBQ
— Ashok Swain (@ashoswai) August 7, 2020
Username: Isaac Alexander
Twitter handle: @jetcitystar
Retweets: 1,350
Likes: 4,400
2. Tara Copp’s tweet on UH-1N Huey helicopter being shot at from the ground
Tara Copp, a Pentagon correspondent for McClatchy, a publishing company, shared an article on the UH-1N Huey, an US Air Force helicopter, making an emergency landing after being struck by a bullet fired from the ground.
The incident injured an aircrew member and damaged the aircraft. It took place when the helicopter was flying 1,000ft off the ground, approximately 10 miles northwest of Manassas Regional Airport.
FBI Washington and Air Force Office of Special Investigation are working together on investigating the details of the incident.
BREAKING: @USAirForce helicopter shot at from ground while flying over Virginia Monday, crew injured https://t.co/y3BcvyQiTg
— Tara Copp (@TaraCopp) August 12, 2020
Username: Tara Copp
Twitter handle: @TaraCopp
Retweets: 1,244
Likes: 805
3. Nicholas Drummond’s tweet on Main Battle Tanks
Nicholas Drummond, managing director at AURA Consulting, a strategic consulting firm, tweeted on the list of countries planning to purchase new or upgrade existing Main Battle Tanks (MBT).
China stands first in the list followed by Russia, US, India, Egypt, North Korea, Germany, France, Denmark, Norway, Greece, Australia, and Poland. The UK, on the other hand, is planning to retire its existing MBT fleet.
Countries purchasing or planning to purchase new MBTs and/ or upgrading existing fleets:
– China
– Russia
– India
– Egypt
– North Korea
– Germany
– France
– Denmark
– Norway
– Greece
– Australia
– PolandCountries planning to retire existing MBT fleets:
– United Kingdom— Nicholas Drummond (@nicholadrummond) August 26, 2020
Username: Nicholas Drummond
Twitter handle: @nicholadrummond
Retweets: 70
Likes: 312
4. Jens Stoltenberg’s tweet on informal meet of EU Defence Ministers
Jens Stoltenberg, the General Secretary of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), an intergovernmental military alliance, tweeted on an informal meeting of defence ministers at Belarus.
The objective of the meeting was to boost cooperation and discuss on common concerns, including Belarus and prepare for a formal meeting in Brussels. Stoltenberg noted that there was no NATO build up in the region and that any attempt to crack down on peaceful protesters was wrong and unjustified.
Good to meet @EUCouncil Defence Ministers to boost cooperation & discuss common concerns, including #Belarus. There is no #NATO buildup in the region, so any attempt by the regime to use this as an excuse to crack down on peaceful protesters is absolutely wrong and unjustified. pic.twitter.com/XuCIHYnvhu
— Jens Stoltenberg (@jensstoltenberg) August 26, 2020
Username: Jens Stoltenberg
Twitter handle: @jensstoltenberg
Retweets: 112
Likes: 209
5. DARPA’s tweet on AlphaDogfight Trials
DARPA, a developer of emerging technologies for military use, shared an article on the virtual AlphaDogfight Trials that took place between 18 August and 20 August at Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory. A total of eight teams were selected to display state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms capable of performing visual-range air combat.
The article details that the three-day event focused on different activities each day with a goal to increase trust in AI. At the end of the event, the AlphaDogfight champion competes against a human F-16 pilot to test the AI’s potential.
DARPA's AlphaDogfight Trials final event goes virtual Aug. 18-20 as 8 teams fly their advanced algorithms @jhuapl in simulated 1-v-1 F-16 dogfights. The winning AI will compete against an experienced fighter pilot flying a VR F-16 flight simulator: https://t.co/HcsPWlITe8 pic.twitter.com/dzI00ulHSr
— DARPA (@DARPA) August 7, 2020
Username: DARPA
Twitter handle: @DARPA
Retweets: 40
Likes: 96
6. 9DashLine’s tweet on Taiwanese air patrol missions
9DashLine, a website covering geopolitical issues affecting the Indo-Pacific region, shared an article on the Taiwanese Air Force launching a pair of F-16A Viper aircraft with live AGM-84 Harpoon missiles to defend its territory.
The aircraft were launched from the Hualien Air Force Base after reports emerged of the launch of Chinese military exercises aimed at capturing the Dongsha Islands in the South China Sea. The Hualien Air Force Base is also responsible for carrying out reconnaissance patrols for vessels transiting through the Taiwan Strait.
The incident marks the first time the F-16A were equipped with AGM-84s except for fire drills. The last time the aircraft flew with live missiles was when China’s Liaoning aircraft carrier passed through the Taiwan Strait in 2016.
Taiwanese F-16s begin flying patrols with live harpoon anti-ship missiles to deter China https://t.co/gqIPUhN50H Armed anti-ship patrols began amid concerns over expected Chinese island-grabbing exercises in the South China Sea.
— 9DASHLINE (@9DashLine) August 8, 2020
Username: 9DashLine
Twitter handle: @9DashLine
Retweets: 39
Likes: 61
7. Ulrike Franke’s tweet on Germany’s low priority for European Union defence structures
Ulrike Franke, a policy fellow at European Council on Foreign Relations, shared an article on a survey conducted among experts and policymakers from 27 European Union (EU) member states on the priorities of their governments. More than 60% of the members do not have defence in their top ten priorities.
The article notes that the EU has a tendency to follow the strategies adopted by Germany, which ranked defence at the 14th place. The low prioritisation is surprising considering that Germany has been a strong supporter of European defence cooperation. The article notes that Germany may already be satisfied with the steps taken by the EU towards defence.
My latest, for @ecfr, on European defence, Germany, and France. 😊https://t.co/VjrAV5AO6f
— Ulrike Franke (@RikeFranke) August 10, 2020
Username: Ulrike E Franke
Twitter handle: @RikeFranke
Retweets: 15
Likes: 54
8. CSIS’ tweet on Japan deploying anti-ship and surface-to-air missiles
CSIS, a policy research organisation, shared an article on the deployment of anti-ship and surface-to-air (SAM) missiles by Japan on its Southwest Islands due to an increase in Chinese maritime forces. Chinese patrol ships were reported to have navigated within the 24-nautical mile disputed zone near Senkaku island.
Japan’s strategy is to leverage geography as an advantage and deploy the missiles near the island. It has also developed facilities and units to enable deployment in nearby islands.
In response to increased Chinese maritime forces around the Senkaku island chain, Japan has deployed anti-ship and surface-to-air (SAM) missiles on its Southwest Islands.
A new feature from @AsiaMTI: https://t.co/OSH7dVeLQ1 pic.twitter.com/XuiDLkIyjc
— CSIS (@CSIS) August 8, 2020
Username: CSIS
Twitter handle: @CSIS
Retweets: 24
Likes: 40
9. Leo Shane’s tweet on decreasing the number of US troops in Afghanistan
Leo Shane, Congressional reporter at Military Times, a website covering military news, shared an article on US President Donald Trump’s plans to reduce the number of US troops in Afghanistan by half by election day.
The article added that lawmakers supported the reduction, while military leaders raised concerns against withdrawal as it could destabilise the Afghan military force. Critics of the war have noted that the US has remained in Afghanistan beyond any other mission and should not leave its troops in the country indefinitely.
Don't let this part of the @axios interview with the president go unnoticed: Trump says he may cut U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan under 5,000 by Election Day https://t.co/p0CS9ZtqKt
— Leo Shane III (@LeoShane) August 4, 2020
Username: Leo Shane
Twitter handle: @LeoShane
Retweets: 21
Likes: 36
10. David Cenciotti’s tweet on unsafe intercept by Russian Su-27
David Cenciotti, an aviation blogger, shared an article on a Russian Su-27 fighter jet passing too close to a US Air Force B-52 bomber during the Allied Sky mission over the Black Sea, which witnessed participation from 30 NATO nations.
Footage from the onboard camera of the B-52 bomber showed that the manoeuvres made by the Su-27 fighter jet were hostile and dangerous. The US termed the intercept as unsafe and unprofessional and noted that this was not the first time such an intercept had occurred.
Out of the four B-52s flying in Europe, this one 61-0034/NATO 01, was the only one that could be tracked online thanks to its Mode-S transponder. Although it was accompanied by several NATO fighters along the way, it was not escorted over the Black Sea.
Unsafe by all standards. https://t.co/lz56LdirnG— David Cenciotti (@cencio4) August 30, 2020
Username: David Cenciotti
Twitter handle: @cencio4
Retweets: 11
Likes: 33