Issue 25

Commonly used to detect early-stage cancer, ultra-wideband microwave radar has emerged as a new option in the detection of IEDs. We take a look at new research into this technology and its potential for the future.

We also catch up with a project to develop an alternative, cost-effective lightweight material for increased blast and ballistic protection, and explore a new concept for designing force protection into vehicles.

Moreover, we look at a new flight-log smartphone app making critical technical and supply chain information instantly available to maintenance personnel, explore the naval trend of equipping smaller patrol craft with larger weapons, and ask if rotational detonating engines could power the next generation of naval vessels.

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In this issue

Special Report:
Screening for IEDs

More commonly used to detect early-stage breast cancer, ultra-wideband microwave radar has emerged as the technology of choice in the battle to detect IEDs. We find out how this technique could pinpoint roadside bombs.
Click here to read the full article.

Vehicle Protection From The Ground Up

With economical constraints, political powers and differing terrains changing the face of war, armed forces have to adapt. Global Defence Technology explores the future of force protection, with open architecture, remote operations and synthetic biology on the agenda.
Click here to read the full article.

The Heavyweights
New partnership of industry heavyweights has set its sights on developing advanced materials to protect soldiers. We report on a new multifaceted approach to improving ballistic protection.
Click here to read the full article.

Air Force:
Capturing Key Data

With militaries focusing increasingly on maintenance to cut costs, engineers need data to make repairs. We find out how IFS Defence’s new smartphone app makes critical, technical and supply chain information instantly available.
Click here to read the full article.

Smaller Ships, Bigger Guns

Dwindling naval fleets are now expected to tick a number of capability boxes. Global Defence Technology reports on the rush to equip smaller vessels with a burgeoning array of weapons.
Click here to read the full article.

Engine Revolution
New gas turbine engines are indispensable to the US Navy but, as we found out, a new generation of engines could be the answer to sorely needed energy cuts.
Click here to read the full article.

Next issue preview

‘Hyper-realistic’ training takes military learning to the battlefield using actors, explosions and combat wound effects. We ask reality-based training experts how this method fits into the military training landscape.

We also take a look at Aeros’ prototype cargo airship for the US military, profile new technologies aiming to ensure snipers stay on target every time they pull the trigger, and explore the LocataNet positioning system which promises accurate location even when GPS is jammed.

Moreover, profile new unmanned vessel designs for long-duration tracking of enemy submarines, and take a look behind the speculation surrounding the development of a new fast attack craft fleet in Iran.

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