Promising high impact and low collateral, electromagnetic pulse weaponry has the potential to revolutionise warfare. As the development of such weapons begins to move from science-fiction to reality, we profile Boeing’s CHAMP missile and look at an Israeli grenade designed to obliterate all communications without causing any loss of life.
We also explore the potential use of crowd-sourcing in DARPA’s FANG programme, investigate if the US Air Force’s plan to create an all-stealth fleet will require trade-offs in range and payload, and take a look at the X-37B and its Chinese equivalent.
Moreover, we find out how the grounding of the Royal Navy’s Astute submarine has inspired a new rescue manual that helps submarine commanders plan the best course of action for boat and personnel when disaster strikes, and take a look at new developments in ROV technology for submarine rescue teams.
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In this issue
Special Report:
The Future Begins
The development of electromagnetic pulse-like weapons is about to jolt into life. We profile Boeing’s recently tested champ missile and the Israeli grenade that obliterates communication without causing any loss of life.
Click here to read the full article.
Crowd-sourcing DARPA’s FANG
DARPA’s fast adaptable next-generation ground vehicle programme is using crowd-sourcing technology to develop and test an open source design for a next-generation infantry fighting vehicle. Global Defence Technology explores the benefits of crowd sourcing for developing future technologies.
Click here to read the full article.
Resupplying Iraq
With its armed forces undergoing a renaissance, Iraq is inching towards something resembling normality. However, we find out how corruption allegations and political machinations have threatened to disrupt progress.
Click here to read the full article.
Air Force:
Stealth vs Flexibility
As its future all-stealth fleet of F-22s and F-35s take shape, the USAF has come under fire. We examine the claims that the inclusion of stealth could endanger the fleet as a whole.
Click here to read the full article.
Space Race
As reports emerge of a Chinese rival, Shenlong, Boeing successfully returned one of two unmanned US Air Force X-37B orbital test vehicles to orbit. We compare capabilities and possible mission specifications.
Click here to read the full article.
Astute: Lessons Learned
When the royal navy’s newest submarine astute ran aground, it risked serious damage to systems and the safety of crew members. Global Defence Technology asks QinetiQ how a decision support tool it has developed for the Ministry of Defence helps submarine commanders avoid such risks in future.
Click here to read the full article.
Saving Submarines
Advances in the field of remotely operated vehicles have meant that sailors aboard stricken submarines are no longer doomed. We examine the rise of ROVs in the field.
Click here to read the full article.
Next issue preview
Commonly used to detect early-stage cancer, ultra-wideband microwave radar has emerged as a new option in the detection of IEDs. We take a look at DARPA’s research into this technology and its potential for the future.
We also catch up with a project to develop an alternative, cost-effective lightweight material for increased blast and ballistic protection, and explore a new concept for designing force protection into vehicles.
Moreover, we look at a new flight-log smartphone app making critical technical and supply chain information instantly available to maintenance personnel, explore the naval trend of equipping smaller patrol craft with larger weapons, and ask if rotational detonating engines could power the next generation of naval vessels.
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