
Following a US Senate committee report that uncovered the use of counterfeit Chinese electronic parts in US Air Force aircraft, we investigate the extent to which counterfeit parts have infiltrated military technology and examine some of the possible techniques to stop the practice. We also explore how AIDEWS provides situational awareness for a growing number of fighter aircraft, take a look at Millbrook Proving Ground, and profile the new methods of protection from chemical warfare.

Moreover, as the US Navy and BAE resume work on the electro-magnetic rail gun programme, we catch up with the progress of this potentially game-changing technology.

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In this issue

Special Report:
Flying Fraudulently

A year-long investigation instigated by Senator Carl Levin, SASC chairman, and Senator John McCain makes has uncovered over a million bogus parts destined for us in US Air Force aircraft. Is it time for the US Air Force to rethink its procurement strategies?
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From Protection to Detection

Should the situation in Syria deteriorate beyond the resolve of diplomacy, one of the greatest barriers to military intervention remains: the threat of a biological attack. Global Defence Technology explores the new technology that could formulate a comprehensive protection strategy.
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Testing Times
Millbrook Proving Ground is known for challenging armoured vehicles. Berenice Baker asks Julian Bryan, Millbrook’s head of military strategies, about the unique capabilities the facility offers for putting combat transport through its paces.
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Air Force:
Advanced Awareness

Deployed by six military customers worldwide under the US Government foreign military sales (FMS) programme, the Advanced Integrated Defensive Electronic Warfare Suite (AIDEWS) provides fighter aircraft with advanced radar warning and radio frequency countermeasures. Julian Turner explores the new technology.
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Highly Charged

The US Navy’s electromagnetic railgun programme has a chequered history of scientific breakthrough and budget busting. We profile the warship weapon that can launch projectiles at mach 10 without explosives.
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Next issue preview

With a second term assured, US President Obama is set to tackle the daunting topic of Middle East relations. As Israel and Iran teeter on the brink of conflict, we investigate why the turbulent region is in desperate need of Obama’s diplomacy.

We also find out how lower production costs allow for a new generation of kamikaze drones, ground robots and vessels built to destroy themselves as they hit their targets, and explore the latest technology for battlefield-safe smartphones.

Moreover, we profile new materials used to build future fighter aircraft, find out how international navies are responding to evolving maritime threats, and investigate the future of the UK’s Trident programme.

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