With recession-struck governments slashing spending, the private sector has become the lynchpin of the military aerospace sector. We explore the role of government-industry collaboration in maintaining operational capability.
We also get a tour of Thales’ Hawkei vehicle prototype, and look at a new range of rapidly deployable and resistant soil-filled barriers.
Moreover, we check in on the progress of Boeing’s F-X fighter programme, find out how new technologies could reduce the noise of jet engines, and look at the US Navy’s new WMD detection system using free electron lasers fitted to ships or aircraft.
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In this issue
Special Reports:
Private Sector Revival
Most major air forces have had their wings clipped by severe budget cuts, but hope is at hand as governments begin to look beyond defence contractors towards the commercial aerospace market for new hardware, software and skills. We find out what effect private sector innovation is having on the air forces in the UK and elsewhere.
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Inside the Hawkei
GDT gets a first look at Thales’ versatile modular and highly blast-protected Hawkei vehicle, in development for the Australian Defence Force. We interview the project manager from inside the prototype to find out the latest about the project.
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Building Barriers
HESCO Barriers claims to have revolutionised temporary structures with a quickly-deployed concertina design. We take a look at the barrier technology to find out what it can offer to militaries.
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Air Force:
The Next Generation
With the F-35 barely out of the wrapper, the US is already exploring the options for a sixth generation of fighter aircraft. We look at the rise of F-X and F/A-XX.
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Finding the Solution
No other military technology has been so eagerly embraced in more applications, or by so many diverse markets, than the global positioning system (GPS), but it has not been without its drawbacks in theatre. GDT report on new developments that are extending the technology’s capabilities.
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Hush Now
The US Navy and Air Force are working towards reducing the noise made by engines to protect crew aboard aircraft carriers from hearing damage. We investigate the issue of hearing loss among carrier crew and what measures are being taken.
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Detect and Intercept
The US Navy has developed a way of detecting whether or not a ship is carrying a WMD without boarding it. GDT investigates the technology which uses free electron lasers fitted to either ships or patrol aircraft.
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Next issue preview
Following a US Senate committee report that uncovered the use of counterfeit Chinese electronic parts in US Air Force aircraft, we investigate the extent to which counterfeit parts have infiltrated military technology and examine some of the possible techniques to stop the practice.
We also explore how AIDEWS provides situational awareness for a growing number of fighter aircraft, take a look at Millbrook Proving Ground, and explore new methods of protection from chemical warfare.
Moreover, as the US Navy and BAE resume work on the electro-magnetic rail gun programme, we catch up with the progress of this potentially game-changing technology.
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