Global Defence Technology Issue 18

Critical infrastructure protection has been one of the primary roles of armies throughout history. We investigate how our dependence on communication, transport and commodity networks is being threatened by new forms of warfare in the digital age.

We also investigate the UAE’s drive to join the international armoured vehicle market and explore the country’s Nimr vehicle range.

As trainee pilots benefit from ever more advanced flight simulation technology, we examine what the future will hold for flight tuition. Finally, we find out how the increased need for security in littoral zones has seen smaller, faster and more agile patrol vessels grow in importance and popularity.

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In this issue

Special Reports:

Cyber Defence
Critical infrastructure protection (CIP) has been one of the primary roles of armies throughout history. We discover how our increasing dependence on modern communication, transport and commodity networks is being threatened by modern forms of warfare, as we go deeper into the digital age.
Click here ro read the full article.


Make Way for the Newcomer
Formerly a major importer of armoured vehicles, the United Arab Emirates has made great strides in domestic production. We ask Abu Dhabi-based manufacturer Nimr Automotive about its ambitions to join the giants which dominate the sector and sell on the international stage.
Click here to read the full article.

Industry Project: Nimr Armoured Vehicles
The NIMR is a wheeled armoured vehicle produced by NIMR Automotive for the United Arab Emirates (UAE) armed forces.
Click here to read the full article.

Air Force:

Simulation Education
Spiralling costs and ever increasing technological advances have given aircraft training technology new importance. As trainee pilots benefit from new simulation technology, GDT examines new advances and judged just where the future may lie in flight tuition.
Click here to read the full article.


Smugglers Beware
Drug smugglers and pirates pose a very different threat to naval vessels compared to traditional enemy forces. As a result, the increased need for security in littoral zones has seen smaller, faster and more agile patrol vessels grow in importance and popularity. We profile five of the most popular and emerging littoral patrol craft.
Click here ro read the full article.

Industry Project: Littoral Combat Ship (LCS)
A fast, highly manoeuvrable, networked surface combat ship, the littoral combat ship is the first of a new family of surface ships for the US Navy.
Click here to read the full article

Next issue preview

Defying criticism from certain members of Congress, the US Navy has pledged to continue its research into the use of biofuels to power vessels and aircraft. Several US Senators are calling it a chronic waste of money that they feel could be better spent on fleet replenishment. We examine the political wrangling that threatens to stall the biofuel programme.
We also speak to Honeywell about new materials that could reduce the weight of soldiers’ helmets offering the same ballistic and impact protection. We also look at new research into the causes of traumatic brain injury that could revolutionise future head protection for soldiers.

We investigate the US Army’s Switchblade, a guided missile small enough to fit in a backpack which can be fired at a single foe. We examine the evolving role of UAVs in combat. Finally, as the world’s navies descend upon Hawaii for RIMPAC 2012 we analyse some key and emerging issues for this year’s exercise.

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