3M Peltor
Military Hearing Protection and Communication Systems
Military Hearing Protection and Communication Systems
Lightweight, Rapidly Deployable Shelters, Containers, Pallets and Sustainment Solutions
European Leader in Flexible Gooseneck Solutions for the Defence Industry
Manufacturer of RF and Microwave Amplifiers and Antennas
Military Power Conversion Systems: DC/DC Converters, AC/DC Power Supplies and Battery Chargers, DC/AC inverters, AC/AC Frequency and Phase Converters
Accurate Frequency and Timing Solutions in GNSS Denied Environments
Multipurpose Protected Military Vehicles
Military-Grade Customised Computer Solutions
Military and Strategic Cargo Shipping and Transport Logistics
COFDM IP HD Wireless Video and Telemetry Links
AI Analytics Software Company
Rugged Military COTS Systems
Active and Passive Systems for Protection from Under-Belly Mines
Rugged COTS Embedded Video Boards and Systems
Integrated AC and DC Power Supplies for Military Applications
Tactical Unmanned Aerial Systems
Military-Grade Night Vision and Thermal Rifle Scopes
UltraReel Movie Effects to Enhance Military Training
High-Performance Red Dot Reflex Sights
Environmental Control Units, Generators, Heaters and Trailers
Acoustical Scoring Equipment
Troop Parachutes, JPADS / Cargo Delivery Systems, Delivery Platforms and Air Droppable Safety and Survival Equipment
CBRN Gloves, Overboots and Gas Masks
Aircraft Manufacturer
Virtual Military Training Systems
Portable Gas-Detection Systems, Gas Sensor Systems and Accessories for On-Site Sampling
Air Traffic Control Design, Pre-Engineered Cabins and Communications Systems
Antenna Solutions for the Defence and Security Industries
Custom Battery Packs and Chargers for Military Applications
Prowler Light Tactical All Terrain Vehicle (LTATV)
Mil-Spec Wire and Custom Cable for Military Applications
Power Transmissions for Military Vehicles
Transparent Ballistic and Non-Ballistic Products
Non-Lethal Weapons and Simulation Solutions for the Defence Sector
Magnesium Infrared and Missile Countermeasure Powders
Manufacturer and Supplier of Aircraft and UAVs
Manufacturer of Bulletproof Glass and Armoured Vehicles
High-Voltage, Low-Power Conversion Products
Military Fuel and Water Handling Systems and Services
Access Control and Perimeter Protection Systems for Military Installations
Military Electronic Voice and Siren Equipment
Radio Frequency Components for the Military
Chemical Protective Clothing
Tyco - ANSUL Automatic Fire Suppression System (AFSS)
High-Performance, Wide-Bandwidth Military Antennas and Antenna-Positioner Systems
Personal Ballistic Armor, Aircraft Armor Kits and Armored Vehicles
High-Precision Ballistic Software, Consulting Services, Customised and Rugged Solutions
RF Booster Amplifiers for the Defense Industry
Military Weapons and Non-Lethal Ammunitions for the Defence Industry
Chemical, Biological, Radiological Nuclear (CBRN) and HazMat Training Systems
Specialist Equipment and Clothing Manufacturer for the Armed Forces
Secure Weapon and Ammunition Storage for the Defence Industry
Signature Management, Blast Protection and Armour Systems for the Defence Industry
Field Logistic Solutions for the Defence Industry
Lifting and Connecting Equipment for Military Applications
Military Land Vehicles
Avionics Subsystems for Military and Aerospace Applications
Military Thermal Batteries
Electronic Systems for Military and Commercial Application
Demolition Consulting and Simulation for Defence Applications
Microwave Components and Sub-Systems
Tactical Transceivers and Rugged C3I Systems
Vehicle Equipment and Accessories for the Defence Industry
Design, Development and Manufacture of High-Tech Defence Equipment
Maritime Electronic Equipment
Business Consulting, Technology Integration and Other IT Services
High-Quality Equipment for Military Personnel
Specialists in Architectural Models, Exhibition Models and Interactive Displays
Automation Technologies for Ground Target Vehicles
Heavy-Duty Military Vehicles
Wireless Intercom Systems for Military Applications
Mobile Arms Rooms and Military Battery Shops
Ground Support Solutions for Military Aircraft
Military and Defence Communications Systems
Aerospace and Defence Solutions
Defence Contractor and Systems Integrator
Ballistic Resistance Testing Solutions for Defence Organisations
Bulletproof Vests and Ballistic Vests and Helmets
HF & VHF Tactical Communications
Optical Encoders, Scanners and Accelerometers
EOD and IED Disposal Equipment, Bomb Detection Systems
Government-Certified USB Data Devices for Military Applications
Anti-Tank and Off-Route Mine Solutions
BISON Embedded Rugged MIL-Vehicle PC
Firearms, Systems and Components for Military Applications
CBRN Monitoring & Detection Solutions / Optronics & Optics Equipment / UGS Systems
Tritium Lighting for Military and Safety Applications
Filtration, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning Systems
Command, Control, Surveillance and Transmission Systems for Military Assets
Modular, Durable Flooring for Military Tents and Shelters
Recording Systems for Training and Simulation Applications
Blast, Ballistics and Blunt Impact Soldier Protection
NBC Protective Suits, Casualty Bags, Ventilation Systems and Transport Systems
Cross-Domain Applications and Solutions
Filter Technologies and Protective Clothing
HVAC and APU Systems
Management and Technology Consulting Services
Vehicle Systems and Parts for Military and Civilian Applications
Industrial Filtration Technology for Military and Defence Applications
Bose® Military Headsets: At Work Around the World
Ballistic and Blast Protective Safe Shelters
360° Complete Solutions for Unique Military Rail Logistics
Sleeman Compass Lightweight Steel Armour Plate
Military Batteries and Charging Systems for Communication and Electronics Applications
DPSS Lasers and Diode Laser Modules for the Military Sector
Practice Grenades for Military Training
Rescue, Repair and Forced Entry Products
Automotive and Defence Vehicle Testing Ground
Military Vehicle Noise and Vibration Measurement Solutions
Cables and Accessories for the Military Industry
DFTS: Secure Defence Voice, LAN, Data and WAN Network
Heavy-Duty Brushless Alternators and Electric Power Management Systems
Communication Jammers and Under-Vehicle Search Systems
Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Services
Defence Training and Simulation Systems
Durable UID Labels for MIL-STD-130
Military Shelters and Equipment
The Worldwide Leader in Military Hydration Products
Container-Based Camp Shelter, Kitchen and Toilet Modules
Customised Power Supply Systems
Anti-Vibration and Shock Mounts
Ammunition Manufacturing for the Defence Industry
Armored Vehicles
Waterjet Robotic Demilitarisation Systems
Military Construction and Earthmoving Equipment
Air-Hydraulic Jacks for Lifting Military Equipment
Explosive Solutions for Military Applications and Training
Advanced Composites Design and Manufacturing Solutions
Technical Publications, Integrated Logistics Support, Safety and Training
Lightweight Armour Components
Electrical Equipment Institute
Tactical / Civilian Helipads and Helimat Products for Military Helicopters
Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) and Bomb Disposal Systems
Sea Containers, Accommodation Containers and Special Containers
Rugged Connectivity Solutions for Military Applications
Intel-Based Technologies Integrator
Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) for Military Applications
Military Handsets, Headsets, Microphones and Speakers
Shooting Training and Shooting Range Equipment
Connectors and RF Components for Military Applications
Steel Armor Plate Manufacturing
Air-Conditioning, Power-Generation and Integrated Shelter Solutions for Military Applications
Floating bridges and route clearance UGV
Slip Rings for Tanks and Weapon Systems
Antennas for Military, Security and Surveillance Applications
Platform Communication Systems for Military Vehicles
Battlefield Management Systems for Military Vehicle and Soldier Platforms
High-Frequency and Land Mobile Radio Tactical Communications for Military Environments
Proactive Cyber Security: Stay Ahead of Attacks
Wideband Antennas for C3I, ECM and Spectrum Monitoring Applications
MEMS Motion Sensors for Harsh Environments
Ballistic Armour, Riot Armour and Protective Training Gear
Under Vehicle Surveillance Systems (UVSS) for Security Monitoring Applications
RF System Design and Receiver Products for the Army Industry
RF Materials Characterisation Research, Products and Services
Composite Parts and Assembly Manufacture and Testing for Defence Industries
Man-Portable and Vehicle-Mounted Military Antennas, Sectional Masts and Telescopic Masts
Supplier of Military and Tactical Gear
Shipping Containers
Modular Containers and Cabins for Disaster Relief and Aid Missions
Smart Mobile Water Bottling Plants
Bulletproof Vests and Ballistic Helmets, Fireproof Clothing, and Rugged Outdoor Clothing
Military-Approved Ruggedised Products Including Amazon Cases and 19in Racks
Innovative Magazine Loading Device for the Military
Critical Systems and Components for the Aerospace and Defence Industries
Design, Prototyping and Production Solutions for Engineering Performance
RF Spectrum Monitoring and Geolocation Technology to Exploit the EMS
CBRN Decontamination Equipment
Advanced Software Systems for Military Operations
High-Performance Plastics for Military Applications
Tactical, Signalling and Less-Lethal Muntions, Fuzes and Ordnance
Analysis of IT Equipment for the Army Industry
Scalable and Modular Technology for Critical Ground Capabilities
High-Performance Capacitors and Electronic Assemblies
Military Chemlights
Cybersecurity Products and Services
Modular Flat-Pack Buildings, Mobile Shelters and Turn-Key Military Camps
Advanced Electronics and Systems Solutions for Defence Industry
Aircraft and Tier-1 Equipment and Services for Aerospace and Defence Industries
Military Mobile Heating and Air Conditioning Equipment
Rugged AC and DC Electric Air Conditioners for Defence Vehicles
Specially Developed ISO Containers for Military Shelters
Armoured Utility Vehicles
A provider of automated, continuous planning software to the public sector
Ruggedised Military Cameras and Camera Systems for Night Vision and 24-Hour Use
Barrier Walls and Structures
Manufacturer of High-Performance Military Vehicles and Products
Desktop Personal Computers, Software and Peripherals Provider
Smartphone Solutions for Secure Military Communications
Military and Commercial Antennas and Masts
Security Barriers for Safes, Vaults and ATMs
Rugged Transit Cases
WeeVil 2 Light All Terrain Vehicles
Infrared Imaging and Thermal Camera Cores
Man-Portable Diesel and Heavy-Fuel Generators and Auxiliary Power Units
DRASH Quick-Erect Rugged Shelters
Rugged and Reliable Hybrid Interconnect Solutions for the Military Industry
Tactical Radio Communication and Satellite Navigation Systems
Consultancy, Training and Operations Services for the Defence Industry
Disc Brake Rotors for Military 4WD and Light Armoured Vehicles
Stackable and Portable Cots and Beds
High-Quality, Durable Hangar Solutions for Military Applications
Military Transportation Vehicles
Filtration Systems and Replacement Parts for Aerospace and Defense Applications
Prefabricated Buildings and Turnkey Military Camps
High-Performance Tow-Bar Systems for Armed Forces
Diagnostic and Test Equipment for Defence Applications
Powering Progress, Defining Your Future
International Defence and Security Exhibition
Anti-Ballistic Protection for Personal and Military Vehicle Protection
Shipbuilding Company
Armoured Vehicle Tracks
Ducting for Military HVAC and ECU Systems
IT and Consulting Services Provider
Shooting Plugs and Varicom Communications
Efficient Toilets with Waste Combustion Systems and Rapid Hygiene Shelters for Remote Applications
Life Support Services: Construction, Mobile Infrastructure, Operations and Maintenance, Logistics Support, Environmental Services
Lead-Free Frangible Projectiles Supplier for Training Ammunition
Radiation Measurement Instruments
Advanced Technological Solutions for the Defence Industry
Containerised Military Shelters and Camp Solutions
Emergency Egress Lighting Systems and LED Lighting Solutions
Tactical Field Communication Systems, Combat Net Radios and Accessories
Deployable Wastewater Treatment for Field Operations and Construction Camps
Industrial Rubber Seals, Gaskets, and Insulation
Technology Company
Hazardous Odour Detection Solutions for Defence Applications
Water and Ration Heaters for the Defence Industry
HVAC Systems, Cooling Packs, and Auxiliary Power Units (APUs) for Military Vehicles
ISO Containers and Military Camp Systems
Rugged COTS Enclosures and Embedded Computing Products
Bulletproof Vests, Ballistic Helmets, Bomb Blankets and Armour Inserts
Military Power Supplies, Chargers, Inverters and Converters
Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Detection for Light Armoured Vehicles and Stand-Alone Protection
Shooting Ranges, Firearms Training Facilities, Public Order Training Units and Ballistic Forensic Facilities
Reliable Electronic Infrastructure
Off-Road Propulsion Systems for Wheeled Military Vehicles
RF Inhibitors and Jamming Systems
Supply Management, Consultancy Services, Item Cataloguing and Nato Codification
Medical Isolation and Transportation Units for the Defence Industry
Integrated Logistical Support Services Worldwide
Command, Control and Information Systems
Virtual Simulations for Tactical and Crew Procedure Training
Sustainable Hybrid Off-Grid Power Plants for Military Compounds
Ballistic and IED Protected Armoured Vehicles
Mobile Tactical, Logistics and Medical Shelters
Metallic Ammunition Links for Belting Small and Medium Calibre
Quartz Crystals and Clock Oscillators for Military Radio Equipment
EVANSCAPS - Advanced Capacitors for Demanding Applications
Monitoring and Surveillance Systems
Portable Weather Radar Systems for Military Applications
Monitoring and Surveillance Systems, Covert Sensors and Targeting Cameras
Excellence Awards
Wireless Sensor Surveillance Network Systems
Lead-Acid Military Batteries
Weapon Systems Technology for Defence and Security Forces
Explosion Suppression Systems for Military Applications
Rapid-Deployment Flatpack Buildings, Bullet Proof Portable Sentry Boxes and Safe Havens
Military Goggles and Eye Protection Systems
Military Vehicles and Aircraft Simulations
High-Reliability Power Supplies
Assault Rifles, Carabine, Submachine Guns, Semi-Automatic Pistols and Civilian Market Weapons
Security Systems Hardware and Equipment
High-Performance Diesel Engines for the Defence Industry
Mine Detection and Removal Attachments for Military Vehicles
Military Portable Aluminium Roadways, Temporary Runways and Helipads
Military Camp Site Planning, Construction, Operation and Supply
Cooling / Hydraulic Systems
Heat Exchangers, Radiators and Cooling Systems
Pneumatic Telescoping Masts for the Defence Industry
Rugged and Reliable Connectivity Solutions
Generators and APUs for Military Applications
Thermal Imaging Infrared Cameras
Firearms Tradition and Technological Innovation
Tracked and Wheeled Armoured Combat Vehicles and Weapon Systems
Flash Memory Storage Solutions for Military Applications
Body Armour, Stab Vests, Ballistic Plates, Covert Vehicle Armour and Helmets
Field Hospitals and Remote Medical Facilities for Defence Environments
Specialist Suppliers in Defence & Security and Humanitarian Aid
Military Laser Diodes, Laser Diode Modules and DPSS Lasers
Stretchers, Stretcher Fastenings, Stretcher Platforms, Medical Equipment and Ambulance Solutions for MEDEVAC
Rugged Thermal Cameras
Blast & Ballistic Protection Solutions for Military Shelters
Rugged Solid State Data Recorders for Ground-Based Vehicles
CBRN Defence Equipment for the Military Industry
Traditional and Large and Lightweight Demountable Structures
Automatic Under Vehicle Inspection Systems
Military Power Distribution Solutions
Field Units, Shelters and Accommodation, Firing Ranges, and Storage Facilities
Global Defence Contractor
Provider of Military Mobility Solutions
Mobile Military Shelters
Fast Set Up Mobile Military Field Shelters
Monthly Digital Magazine for the Defence Industry
Satellite Technology Solutions for Military Applications
Protective Seating for Fighting Vehicles
Water Purification, Desalination, Wastewater and Wastewater-Effluent Recycling
Our mission is to help businesses maintain an unbiased, complete, and comparable view of the sectors, markets, and companies which offer them the best potential to grow.
Parachute Systems, Sniper Suits and Camouflage Nets
Manufacturer of Advanced Tech such as Run-Flat Changer Machines for Military Tyres
Anti-Vibration Mount Specialists, Suppliers of Rubber-to-Metal Bonded Products and Moulded Rubber Components
Lighting Solutions for Military Applications
Virtual Military Simulation Tools
Tactical Breaching Tools
High-Performance Quartz Crystal Oscillators for the Military and Defence Industries
High-Quality Protection for Military Forces and Emergency Services
Tank Periscopes and Bullet-Resistant Glass and Repair Services
Tailor-Made Power Solutions for Military Applications
Container and Shelter Lifting and Transport Systems
Military Container Handling and Transporting Equipment
Explosives, Machinery, Trading and Defence Products
Integrated Military Power Systems
Technology for Battery-Based Mobile and Renewable Energy Applications
Military-Grade Textiles for Critical Applications
Mobile Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Filtration Systems
Suspension Systems for Special Vehicles
Armour and Ballistic Design for the Military Industry
Defensive Barriers, Protective Structures and Body Armour
Military Load Handling Solutions
Containerised and Mobile Water Treatment Solutions for Defence Industries
High-Performance Lightweight Parts for Military Applications
Comprehensive Mortar Systems and Ammunition for 60mm, 81mm and 120mm
NBC / CBRN Decontamination and Protection Systems and Mobile Field Camps
Military Textile Materials Development, Testing and Certification Services
Blast and Fragmentation Protective Equipment
NBC Training, Consultancy and Equipment Testing Services
Military Shelters, Hangars, Field Camps, Lightweight Carbon Shelters
Reliable, High-Performance Solutions
Runflats, Beadlocks and Wheels
Portable Battery Systems and Customised Energy Solutions for the Military
Specialists in Test Platforms for Respirators and Protective Clothing
IT Products and Services
Electrical and Fluid Interconnects for Defence Equipment
Defence and Homeland Security Exhibition
Permanent Magnet Generators, DC Power Supplies and Inverter Units for Military Vehicles
Surveillance Systems, Counter-UAV Solutions, and Remotely Operated Weapon Systems
Laser Target Pointers for Small Arms
Information Management Systems for the Military
Market Research Reports for Army Technology
Thermal and Visible Long-Range Surveillance Camera Systems for Military Applications
Game Changer - Smaller, Lighter, Quieter
Military Specification SSDs and Data Storage Systems
Ballistic Absorption Barrier Systems for the Defence Industry
Digital Communication Solutions for the Defence Industry
Software System Lifecycle Management for the Defense Industry
Stealth Capability Coatings & Materials
Armoured Vehicles, Armoured Ambulances, APCs, MRAPs and Anti-Riot Vehicles for Commercial and Tactical Applications
Counter Intelligence and Surveillance Services
Fire and Rescue Training Facilities for the Defence and Emergency Services, Industry and Media
Intelligent Transportation Systems for Border Security and Access Control
Powered and Non-Powered Diesel Heaters for the Military Industry
Tactical Communications, Data Links and Telemetries, Information Security, Integrated Solutions, Hybrid Power Systems and Security Solutions
Data Compression and Replication Solutions for Challenging Environments
Infrared Identification and Training Technologies
Embedded Electronics Systems and Display Solutions for the Defence Industry
High-Quality Armour and Ballistic Glass for Military Vehicles
Specialized Surveillance Equipment
Ruggedised Computers and Monitors
Server Software Solutions for the Military Industry
Military Vehicles and Trucks
High-Speed Video Footage for Military Testing
Navigation, Imaging and Positioning Solutions for Military Operations
Situational Awareness and Information Management Systems for any type of Operation
DefenCell Ballistic Protection, Hostile Vehicle and Blast Mitigation, Shooting Ranges
Industrial Memory and Storage Solution Provider
Safe Munitions Disposal, Explosion Containment Vessels and Explosives Storage
High-Quality Drone Jammers for Military Applications
Telemetry Data Analysis Equipment for Military Organisations
Security Glass for Military and Navy Applications
Custom Strand and Cable Manufacturing For Military Applications
Tactical Information and Communications Solutions for Defence and Security Forces
Weapon Systems for Light Armoured Vehicles
Military Utility Vehicles
Tactical Tents and Shelters for Military Use
Quality Armoured Vehicles with Discrete Protection for Police and Security Authorities
Military and Civilian Land Vehicles
Military Equipment
Radio-Frequency / Microwave Filters and Assemblies for Military Programmes
Military Seating
Field Camp Systems, Water Supply Systems, Mobile Catering Systems and CBRN Protection Systems
Communication, Announcement and Alarm Systems for Military Operations
EOD and IEDD Protective Equipment
Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems for Armored Vehicles
NBC / CBRN Systems, and HVAC and Cooling Equipment
Auxiliary Power Units (APU) Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC), NBC/CBRN Systems
Heating, Ventilation and Air Condition, Environmental Control Units and Cabin Cooling Systems
Military Avionics, Military Communications and Weapon Control Systems
Refrigerated ISO Containers and Dual Reefer Containers for the Military Industry
Dynamic Systems Engineering, Actuators and Drivelines
Rugged Embedded Computers for Defense and Aerospace
Weapons Training Facilities and Firing Ranges for Military Applications
Mobile Tactical Shelters
Integrated Mission, Space, Airborne, Communication and Aviation Systems
Land Navigation, Tactical and Space Programs
Military and Discreet Armoured Vehicles
Virtual Firearm Training and Simulation
Ballistic Body Armour, Helmets and Shields
Compressed Soil Block Machines and Soil Mixing Equipment
Custom Engineered Fabric Structures
Engineering Services and Solutions
Tactical Armored Vehicles for Law Enforcement, Government and Military Agencies
Global Security and Advanced Technology Systems
Riflescopes, Spotting Scopes, Binoculars and Mounting Solutions
Portable Electrical Power Systems, Transfer Switches and Power Distribution Products
Cameras and Complex Vision Systems for Defence and Security
Advanced Weapons System
Lightweight Military Fabrics and Composite Armor
Your trusted mobile power solutions expert
Printed Circuit Boards
Professional Military Hangar Structures for Industrial Buildings
Fans and Motors for Aerospace and Defence Applications
Advanced Technology Systems and Products
Man-Portable Weapon Systems for Military Applications
Inflatable Tents, Shelters and Clear-Span Structures
NBC Protection for Shelters and Hardened Buildings
Shelves, Racks and Modular Storage Systems
Commercial and Military Heavy-Duty Supply Trucks/Tractors
Custom-Made Power Conversion Solutions
Firearms, Spares and Accessories Built to Tough Military Standards
Rubber Components for Tanks and Armoured Fighting Vehicles, and NOMEX Protective Apparel
High-Quality Ballistic Protection Equipment and Solutions for the Defence Industry
Workspace, Vehicular Logistics, Capability Development and Support
Winch Lines, Tow Ropes and Vehicle Recovery Kits
Solid Brass Battery Terminals, Battery Chargers, Jump Packs, Inverters and Antizap® Protectors.
Variable Reach Trucks and Container Moving Solutions for Military Environments
Mobile Medical Units
Composite Panels, Container Prefabricated Houses and Modular Houses
Integrated Virtual and Weapons Training Systems for the Defence Industry
Rugged Solid-State Drives for Military Applications
High-Tech Systems and Components Manufacturing of Military Vehicle Platforms
Military Vehicles
Ammunition, Anti-Armour and Anti-Aircraft Missile Supplier
UID Labels for MIL-STD 130
Surveillance, Communication and Training Systems for Military Applications
Manufacturer of Swiss-made EMP Protection Elements
Lowering Devices for Surveillance Camera Maintenance in High Security Deployments
Advanced Microelectronics Manufacturing Solutions for Aerospace Applications
Air Purification Masks, Inline and Two-Filter Blowers and Air Flow Monitoring Equipment
Security Structures and Barriers for Personnel and Asset Protection
Packaging Solutions for Military Equipment
Ammunition Container Boxes
Military Rugged Displays, Rugged Panel PCs, Rugged Mobile Computers and Rugged Printers
The Smart Choice For Combat - Rugged Computer Systems
The Complete Gun Barrel Cleaning System
Manufacturer of Multiple Grenade Launcher, UAVs, Armoured Carriers, and Naval Interceptors
Military Parachutes, Components and Nylon Cord
Military Equipment and Vehicle Maintenance
Armoured Vehicles for Tactical or Civilian Applications
Fuzes and Fuze Components for Ammunition and Warhead Subsystems
Electro-optic Devices and Armour Solutions for the Military
Mobile Air Traffic Control (ATC) Towers for Defence Applications
Integrated Shelter Systems and Mobile Hospitals
Durable LED Lighting and Power Solutions for Defense Applications
Custom Modular Cargo and Camp Facility Units
Motion Control, Stabilisation and Weapon Systems
Rugged Embedded COTS Systems for Military and Aerospace Applications
Live-Fire Training and Covert Protection Systems and Ballistic Instrumentation and Testing
Innovative Defence Solutions to Protect Assets from Threats
Military Engine, Powertrain and Vehicle Testing and Measuring Systems
Anti-Drone Jammers and Equipment for Security Forces
Microsoft Specialists and Structured Information Management Solutions
Military Vehicle Spare Parts and Accessories
Testing and Training for the CBRN Environment
Security Structures and Ballistic Barriers
CBRN Protection Systems for Defense Forces and Population
Extreme-rugged GPU Solutions for Military Defense Applications
Global Forwarding Solutions for Explosives and Defence Equipment
Land Defence Systems
Military Connectors for Onboard Systems
Gun Tube Cleaning Equipment for the Military
Light to Medium Wheeled Military Vehicles
Explosives and Ammunition
High-Pressure Inflatable Tents and Expandable Containers for Defence Applications
Custom Automobile Lighting and Accessories for Military Vehicles
Radar-Based Systems for Military Applications
Mobile Field Shelters and Containers
Traction Aids for Military Vehicles in Extreme Conditions
Satellite-based Blue Force Tracking Systems for the Military
Military Battery Chargers and Testers
Aerospace and Defence Products Manufacturer
Unmanned Remote Robots for EOD
Unmanned Ground Vehicles
Miniature Robotic Systems for the Defence Industry
Global Uniform Supplier
Anti-Drone/C-UAV System, See Through Wall Radar System
Military Hangars, Shelters and Workshop Tents
Engineered Metal Surface Solutions
Monitoring and Control Solutions for the Defence Industry
Advanced Observation Solutions for Military Applications
Robust Rubber Track Pads for Military Vehicles
Software Solutions to Improve Safety and Efficiency in Military Operations
Uncompromising Quality Robust and Reliable Connector Systems for Every Deployment Situation
Military-grade Tyre Sealants for Defence Vehicles
Fabrication and Machining Solutions for the Defence Industry
Mobile Field Hospitals and Helicopter Ground Support Equipment
Rugged Miniature and Ultra-Miniature Connectors and Interconnect Systems for Defence Applications
Self-contained Mobile Life Support Systems for the Armed Forces
Vision sights, Periscopes, and Fire Control Systems for Armored Vehicle Platforms
Optical production, Mobile Surveillance, and Thermal Imaging for the Military
Military Vehicle Spare Parts and Accessories Distributor
Onboard Optical Equipment for Military Vehicles
Cloud-based Solutions
Ground Station Antenna Positioners and Antenna Systems for the Defence Industry
Versatile Military Headwear
Tactical Boots, Safety Footwear and Uniform Shoes
Bullet Resistant transparencies, Forced Entry and Blast Resistant glass
Military Vehicles
Military Solutions for Operative Environments
Tactical Vehicle Configurations for the Defence Industry
NBC Protection, NBC Detection and Decontamination Systems
Commercial Kitchen Equipment for the Military
Manufacturer of Container Systems for the Military
Fire Helmets, Fire Gloves and Chemical Suits
Data Fusion Platforms Company
Custom Fuel Tanks and Components for Armoured Fighting Vehicles
Guided Missile and Rocket Components, HPUs, Tubes and Launchers
Light Armoured Vehicles and Vehicle Conversion Kits
Military Hardened Navigation and Satellite Communications
Innovative Space Solutions for the Defense Industry
Piezoelectric Quartz Sensors, Accelerometers and Electronics for the Defence Industry
Optoelectronic Devices and Laser Systems for the Defence Industry
Military Power Electronic Solutions
Assured Mobility for Armoured Fighting Vehicles
Computer Vision Platforms Developer
RF Jamming and Tactical Solutions
Rugged Low light Cameras
High-Speed Cameras and Digital Cameras for Military Applications
Military Optics for Observation, Aiming, Fire Control Systems, and Bore Sighting
High Reliability Mobile Robots and Reconnaissance Devices
Power Components for Military Applications
Defence-Class Electronic Devices, Suspension, Steering and Braking Systems, Data Acquisition Systems and Electro-Hydraulic Test Benches and Actuators
Specialist Equipment for Detecting Weapons of Mass Destruction
Rapid Deployment Military Mobile Kitchens
Systems Safety Assurance Solutions for Military Applications
Tungsten Ammunition Components
Armour Systems for Military Vehicles
M2A1 Ammunition Cases - Light Weight Ammunition Case, LWAC(R). MIL-STD, STANAG and UN approved
Real-Time Sensor Networking Solutions
Military Equipment Handling and Transportation Services
Ground Support, Space and Water Heaters for Military Forces
Portable Sanitation Systems for the Military Industry
Training Munitions and Equipment for Military and Law Enforcement
Interconnect Components for the Defence Industry
Platform Sensors, Communication Systems, and UAS Solutions
Bespoke Uniforms and Protective Clothing for Military Personnel
Chemical and Biological Particle Detectors for Military and Civilian Security
Insurance Solutions for Civil and Commercial UAV Operators
EOD and Bomb-Disposal Robots
Fabrication, Manufacturing & Component Testing for the Defence Industry
Water Filtration Systems for Harsh Environments
Advanced Antenna Systems for Military Applications
High-Performance Engineered Duty Holsters and Tactical Gear
Electronic Warfare and Telecommunications Design and Integration
Rugged Digital Mobile Device Forensics Equipment
Ruggedized Military COTS ATCA and COM Express Solutions
Digital and Analogue Tactical Communication Radios
High-Tech Defence Systems
Wireless Military Mesh Communication Networks
Microwave Test and Measurement Equipment
Forced Entry Tools and Training Products
Complete Integrated Electrical Systems
Technology Products and Services for Aerospace and Defence
3D Shooting Targets for Military Applications
AI and Machine Learning Solutions
Professional SSD Manufacturer for Automation, Banking and Military Applications
COTS Products for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance
Wideband Signal Processing Hardware for Radios and Instrumentation
International Military and Strategic Cargo Shipping and Transport Logistics
Ruggedized Computers Made in Switzerland
Construction, MMR, Environmental Services and Global Development
Logistics Vehicles, Tactical Vehicles and Armored Wheeled Vehicles
Industrial and Military Solid State Drive and Storage Memory Cards
Military Combat and Response Training Programmes
Advanced Secure Radio Communications for Airborne, Naval and Land Platforms
Automotive and Defence Equipment Provider
Ground-based Air Defence Systems
Defence Support Services and Innovative Technology for the Military Industry
Power Converters for Military Applications
Portable Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems
Protective Tents and Shelters for the Defence Industry
Electronic Warfare Suite
Temporary Flooring for Military Shelters
Military Tactical Electric Power Systems
Advanced Training Target Ranges for the Armed Forces
Technology-Based Industrial Products
Global Manufacturer of Rotary Unions and Slip Rings
The Experts for Military Recovery and Self Recovery Winches and Systems
Materials Handling and Packaging
High-Performance Flexible Shielding Substrates
Tactical Breaching and EOD Equipment for Military Operations
Facilities Management Services in Remote Places
Mobile Devices for Explosive and Substance Detection
Highest Precision and Performance for Ammunition, Mortar and Artillery Training Systems
Aircraft, Engine, Helicopter, Missile and Self-Protection System MRO, Upgrade and Support
Vehicle Protection and Virtual Training Simulators for the Defence Industry
Military Helicopter and Fixed Wing Aircraft Hangars, Sunshades, Warehouses and Workshops
Lashing Systems, Lifting Devices and Non-Skid Traction Chains for Military Applications
Runflat Insert Technology for Military Wheels
Military Standard Wire & Custom Cable Specialists
Lightweight Vehicle Armour Protection Video Surveillance, and Tracking Solutions
Defence IT Solutions and Systems Integration
Protective Modular Buildings and Shelters
Ammunition Boxes, Ammunition Links and Military Containers and Accessories
Military Safety Training and Testing Services
Aluminium Fuel, Hydraulic and Air-Pressure Tanks and Seat Structures
Continuous Mobility Solutions, Runflat Systems and Wheel Assemblies for Armoured Vehicles
Integrated Communications Solutions for the Modern Digital Battlefield
Modular Containers and Services
Surveillance Equipment and Solutions
Special-Purpose Cryptanalysis Solutions for Military Applications
RF Cable Assemblies, Harnesses, and Looms
Advanced Satellite Solutions for Communication and Surveillance
Logistics Solutions for Military and Defence Industries
IT High-Security Solutions
Mobile and Discreet Luxury Armoured Cars and Bespoke Ballistic Protection Services
Military Unmanned Aerial Systems for Surveillance, Situational Awareness and Self-Protection
Tactical-Grade Gyro and Inertial Measurement Units
Heavy-Duty Hydraulic Military Winches
Protective Clothing, Ballistic Protection, Tents and Camouflage Systems
2MHz to 2.5GHz Military and Commercial Antennas and Masts for Communications, ECM and Special Applications
High-Quality Fabric Structures for Military Organisations
Robotics Developer
Comprehensive and Indigenous Electronic Defence Technologies
Armoring, Ballistics and Technical Textiles
Lifting and Handling Equipment
Military Shelters
Infrared Camera Systems for Surveillance Applications
High-Performance Real-Time Control, Test and Measurement Systems for the Defence Industry
Security Guard Services and Franchises
Secure Communication Networks for Military and Government
High Performance Military Surveillance Systems
Customised Protection Kits for Defence and Security Vehicles
Electronics Manufacturing Services
Flight Simulator Consultation Services for Military Aircraft
Environmental Test Chambers for Military Simulation Applications
MIL-STD-1553 Databus IP Cores
Blast Protection Systems, Consultation and Testing Services
Heavy-Fuel Engines for Unmanned Aerial Systems and Vehicles
Military Hardware and Software for Navigation and Communication
Blast and Impact Solutions for Vehicles, Marine Craft and Soldier Protection
Multi-Purpose Aerostats for Defence Applications
Body Armour, Ballistic Helmets, Composite Armour Panels, Hard Armour Plates / Inserts and Bomb Blankets
Mobile Antenna Masts
Secure and Rugged SSDs for Military Use
Battlefield Aroma and Gas Cloud Simulation Systems
High-Quality Civilian Drones for Military Land Surveillance
HF Antennas and Radio Masts for Military Applications
High-Reliability Interconnect Solutions for Defence Applications
Defence Embedded, Display, Wireless, Power and Interconnect Products
Software Products, Services and Devices
IT Management and Monitoring Solutions for Government
Solid State Disk Storage Solutions and Data Storage Emulators
Rugged Protected Fibre-Optic Cables and Connectors
Digital Transformation Solutions
Advanced Composite Rubber Track Technology for Military Vehicles
Rugged Antenna Solutions and Radio Frequency Accessories for Military Applications
Cognitive Security Analytics Solutions
Corporate and General Investigation, Consultation and Security Services
Custom Military HVAC, Dust and NBC Filtration Systems
Military Parachutes
High-Quality Parachutes for Military Missions
High-Frequency Rotary Joints and Hybrid Solutions
Rapidly Deployable Engineered Membrane Structures for the Defence Industry
Armox Steel Protection Plates
Advanced C4I Solutions Provider for Defence and Homeland Security
Critical Infrastructure Security and Encyption Solutions to Combat Cyber Threats
Turnkey Provider of Modern Firearm Training Facilities
Hydraulic and Electrical Winches for Trucks and Vehicles
Engineering Solutions That Ensure Digital Interoperability
Rugged Mobile Computing Platforms and Integrated Battery Solutions
EW / SIGINT Microwave Wideband Antennas, Subsystems and Consultancy
Live Fire Target Training Systems
High-Performance Diesel Engines and Aggregates
Hyper-Realistic Battlefield Special Effects and Training Support Services
Training System Solutions for Military and Tactical Personnel
Strategic Defence Technologies
Structural Health Management Solutions for Military Aircraft
Manufacturers of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Military Generators
Advanced Maritime Technology Solutions for Defence Applications
Refrigeration Systems for Off-Grid Military and Medical Applications
Visual Simulation Software for the Defence Industry
Advanced C4ISR Surveillance Communications and Intel Products for Defence and Security
Armoured Military Vehicles, Limousines and Cash-Carry Vans
DRAM Memory Modules and Flash Storage Devices
Military and Security Communication Products and Systems
Navigational Aids and ATC Systems for Military Airfields
Seating Solutions for Military Vehicles
Fuel Management and Storage Solutions
VHF and UHF Communications Antennas for Military and Commercial Communications
Customised Steel Target Systems for the Military Industry
Military and Special Operations Headsets
Patented Headsets For Any Noise Or Environment
Activated Carbon Fibres and Fabrics for NBC Clothing and Filters
Next-Generation Armored Vehicles
Mobile Military Shelters Using a Professional Glued Hard Skin, Lightweight Sandwich System
Turnkey Surveillance Solutions for the Defence Industry
Temporary Workforce Housing for Military Personnel
Gun Cleaners and Lubricants and Gun Care Products
Heavy-Duty Hi-Mobile Vehicles for Military and Peacekeeping Operations
Unmanned System Integration and Thermal Imaging Technology
Rapidly Deployable Remotely Operated Less-Lethal Support Robots
Software-Based Public Safety Solutions for Security Operations
Mobile Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water Purification Units, Mobile Kitchens, Fuel Trailers and Potable Water Units
Electronic Components for Military and Industrial Applications
Military Vehicles, Containers and Camp Construction Services
Tri-Band, Ku-Band and Broadband Antennas
Advanced Situational Awareness Solutions for the Military
Rugged Military Solid State Drives for the Defence and Aerospace Industries
Military Broadband, RF Filter, Receivers and Threat Detectors
Tire Pressure Control Systems
EOD / IEDD Equipment, EOD Robots and Vehicles
High-Performance Infrared and Hyperspectral Research Camera Supplier
Blast Protection and CBRN Filtration Systems To Protect Military Infrastructure
Specialised Armour Protection for Military Applications
Electric Motors and Equipments for Military Vehicles
Tactical Water Purification Systems for Military Field Applications
Military Vehicle Electronics Systems and Components
Smart Technologies, Electronic Systems and Other Services
Short Range Air Defence Missile System
Air Purification and Filtration Systems
Live Fire Target Training Systems
Thermal Targets for Tanks and Armoured Vehicles
Transport and Storage Container Solutions for Military Applications
Shock Physics and Autofrettage for Gun Barrels
Actuation Components for Military Applications
Unmanned Aircraft Systems for the Defence Industry
Portable Cold Storage Units
Premium Military Clothing and Equipment
Mine and IED Resistant Multirole Military Vehicles
Partners in Defence Research and Development
Protective Military Gloves
Electromagnetic Capability (EMC) Solutions and Component Filtration Products for Defence Contractors
Custom Touchscreen and Touch-Enabled Devices for Military Applications
High-Fidelity Force-Feedback Haptic Devices for Military Training
Defence and War Zone Logistics Services and Freight Forwarding
Ballistic and Blast Resistant Glass and Frame Systems
Customised Polymer Solutions for the Defence Industry
Rugged Military Servers for Defence Applications
Containerised Accommodation and Prefabricated Panel System Buildings
Tactically Deployable Weapon Testing and Training
Tactical, Mobile and Portable Military Antennas and Antenna Masts
Solar and Wind Power Water Purification and Desalination Systems
Enhanced Protective Helmet Solutions
Runflat Systems
Field Hospitals, Fast Support Hospitals, Expandable Containers, Trailers and Military Camps
GILA Armoured Vehicles
Flat Tyre Protection for Military and Defence Vehicles
Field Hospital Projects for Defence Applications
Special Purpose Vehicles and Equipment for Military Organisations
Data Acquisition and Control Applications for Unmanned Military Vehicles
Rugged and Robust Labelling Manufacture
Data Links and System Integration for Land Forces
Tactical Acoustic Hailing Systems for Military and Police Applications
Batteries and Charging Systems for Military Applications
Critical Actuation Components for Defense Requirements
Display, Video Streaming and Recording Products
Bulletproof Vests, Helmets and Anti-Riot Suits for the Military Industry
Security made in Germany
Military Electrical Equipment and Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Tactical Medical Facilities and Mobile Field Hospitals
Unmanned Aerial Loitering Munitions Systems for Defence Platforms
Meteorological Sensor Systems
High-Quality Armoured Vehicle Protection for the Defence Industry
Composite Material Research, Development and Project Management
Electro-Optics, Rangefinders, Image Intensifiers and Orientation Equipment
Military Shelters and Hangars
AI Solutions
Body Armour, Protective Shields and Special Solutions
Emergency and Military Ambient Feeding Solutions
Military Pneumatic Tents
Ruggedised Custom Power Supply Solutions for Defence Applications
Firearms and Training Simulators for Military Agencies
Operations, Maintenance and Weapons Training Simulators for the Military Industry
Machine Visualisation, Signal Processing, Augmented Reality, Robotics and Self-Learning Systems
Digital Video Transmission Solutions for Law Enforcement, Homeland Security, Commercial and Military Applications
Covert and Tactical Operations Communication Systems
Military Loudspeakers, Microphone Communications Systems and Handsets
Modern Military Equipment and Systems
Next-Generation Fabrics Prepared for Battle One
Precision Cargo Handling and Delivery Systems, Joint Precision Airdrop Systems (JPADS) / Parachute Release Systems, Aerial Testing and Airdrop Operations, Engineering Solutions and Support
Winches and Hoists
Water Sustainability Solutions for Military and Mobile Units
Redeployable Infrastructure Solutions for Defence
Air-conditioning System Specifically Designed For Mobility And The Defence Market
Deployable Modular Military Fuel and Water Systems
Mobile Integration and Elevation Solutions for Military Applications
Global Defence Logistics for Land, Sea and Air
EOD Search Equipment and Technical Surveillance Counter-Measures (TSCM)
LCD, Embedded and Mobile Technologies for Military Applications
Specializes in CNC Machining of Stainless Steel Parts and Distribution of Stainless Steel Bar Products
Military Vehicle Testing
Military Swords and Ceremonial Dress Swords
Mobile Maintenance Trucks for Military and Humanitarian Organisations
Rugged Tablet PCs for Armed Forces
Armaments, Defence Equipment and Technology Transfer for the Defence Sector
Training Simulators for Armed and Security Forces
Container Tracking Devices, Monitoring and Reporting Systems
Mobile Shelter Systems
Premium Optics for Military Applications