The French Army has unveiled the latest developments in the country’s soldier modernisation programme by demonstrating the FELIN soldier support system.

The Fantassin à Équipement et Liaisons Intégrés (FELIN) is considered one of Europe’s most advanced soldier modernisation programmes and comprises an updated FAMAS G2 5.56mm assault rifle with new soldier electro-optical systems, mobile phone-sized radios and infrared binoculars.

The system was demonstrated at the Centre d’Entrainement aux actions en Zone Urbaine, an advanced urban combat training centre, near Sissonne in northern France.

The FELIN system also consists of an information network terminal RIF (réseau d’information du fantassin), dismounted soldier information system SIT COMDE (système d’information du combattand debarqué) and the vehicle integration kit.

Each FELIN system comprises a total of some 150 items and has a total weight of 24kg, including rations.

FELIN’s total production is planned for around 31,000 systems, of which 22,588 will be provided for the infantry with a further 9,000 individual systems for supporting arms.

Sagem DS is the lead integrator for the programme.