UK forces have made considerable strides in their fight against the Taliban according to commander of UK forces Brigadier Tim Radford, who has hailed Operation Panther’s Claw as a success.

Operation Panther’s Claw was launched in June this year to secure land from the Taliban and destroy enemy networks. Forces will now concentrate on holding the ground that has been won back with a view to maintaining peace up to the August elections.

According to the BBC, Brigadier Radford was certain that the operation has been a success.

“We’ve had a significant impact on the Taliban in this area – both in terms of their capability and their morale,” Radford said.

The offensive began with a highly militarised push into Taliban territory, ending with a final armoured push by the Black Watch and 2nd Battalion the Welsh Guards.

Nine UK soldiers have died during the operation, which has involved 3,000 troops. The high casualty rate is mostly down to improvised explosive devices, which have slowed progress provoking debate about whether UK soldiers are sufficiently equipped to deal with such threats.