American firm PathFinder Digital has secured a follow-on contract from General Dynamics Mission Systems (GDMS) for the manufacture and delivery of BAT-750 MVSAT terminals for integration and use on the US Army Prophet programme.

The company’s BAT-750, a fly-away and / or vehicle-mount satellite communications terminal, operates in Ku band while the BAT-1214 and BAT-850 terminals operate in Ka, Ku and X bands.

PathFinder began supplying MVSAT solutions for the Prophet programme in 2010. The company was asked to develop Tri-band (Ku, Ka and X) mobile ground system very small aperture terminals (VSAT) for deployment on the Trojan network, as well as future deployment on WIN-T.

The company has also secured a follow-on contract from General Dynamics Mission Systems to carry out upgrades and resets to PathFinder’s BAT-750 satellite terminals.

As part of the upgrades, an antenna control unit and modem will be integrated, EMI filters will be installed, and enhancements will be made to reduce vibration of the antenna while operating on military M-ATVs in harsh terrain.

Work includes resetting the terminals to fully operational condition.

PathFinder Digital CEO Roger McGarrahan said: “PathFinder is proud to have built and fielded with the Prophet Program the BAT-750 and BAT-1214 terminals. And we are especially pleased to see these terminals being refurbished for continued service to the US Army.”

The company develops mobile ground terminal satellite communications solutions that can meet the needs of a range of projects, primarily for military and government agency programmes.

PathFinder creates effective and cost-effective communications solutions for its customers using the best available products, re-engineered or developed if necessary.