Science Applications International (SAIC) has received a task order worth more than $404m to support the US Army Software Engineering Directorate (SED).

The task order was awarded by General Services Administration (GSA), on behalf of the US Army SED, under the GSA One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services (OASIS) contract vehicle.

It has a one-year period of performance and includes four one-year options.

SAIC Army Customer Group senior vice-president and general manager Jim Scanlon said: “SAIC has supported the SED mission for more than 20 years, and we are proud to continue to deliver support for a project like America’s Army, GoArmy Edge and Transportable, Reconfigurable, Integrated, Crew Trainer (TRICT).

“As part of this contract, SAIC will help to ensure that soldiers and army personnel are well equipped to perform their missions at home and abroad.”

"As part of this contract, SAIC will help to ensure that soldiers and army personnel are well equipped to perform their missions at home and abroad."

Under the contract, SAIC will provide systems engineering and computer resource engineering support for virtual, interactive, and multimedia, system engineering services (VSES) to the SED, the Aviation and Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Center (AMRDEC), and the Army Research, Development and Engineering Command (USA RDECOM).

Work under the contract will be carried out in Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, US.

The SED serves the US Department of Defense components, other federal government agencies and the warfighter.

With around 10,000 civilian scientists, researchers, and engineers, the AMRDEC seeks to develop technology and engineering solutions for the country’s soldiers.