US and Egyptian armed forces have commenced a combined command-post and field-training exercise, Bright Star, at the Mohamed Naguib military base in Egypt.

The bilateral US Central Command (CENTCOM) exercise aims to improve regional security and stability with regards to modern-day security scenarios.

The exercise also seeks to enhance military relationships between US and Egyptian forces in CENTCOM's area of responsibility, as well as promote interoperability in conventional and irregular warfare scenarios.

CENTCOM exercises director, US Air Force major general Jon Mott said: “Bright Star has been the leading engagement between the US and Egypt to collectively address the common interest we share in combatting regional challenges.

“It is through exercises like Bright Star that bring our militaries together and allow us to build trust, strengthen partnerships and enhance our capabilities.”

More than 200 military personnel from the US are participating in the exercise alongside the Egyptian armed forces.

"Bright Star has been the leading engagement between the US and Egypt to collectively address the common interest we share in combatting regional challenges."

The troops will work together during a scenario in which unconventional forces will conduct operations against coalition forces.

The field-training exercise will focus on tactical interdiction processes for both militaries.

The US-Egypt partnership supports counter-terrorism, regional security, and efforts to combat the spread of violent extremism. 

Held in 2009, the last Bright Star exercise featured participation from 15,000 personnel from more than 15 countries.

Image: The bilateral training targets strengthening military-to-military relationships between US forces and its Egyptian partners in the CENTCOM area of responsibility. Photo: courtesy of US Air Force / Staff Sgt. Michael Battles.