Esri has supplied a revised set of customised templates to the US Army for use with its distributed common ground system-army (DCGS-A) system.

Featuring maps, analytic capabilities and other visualisation tools, the easy-to-use templates are designed to help geospatial engineers, intelligence analysts and geospatial-intelligence (GEOINT) imagery analysts to rapidly make products to support requests from commanders.

Esri president Jack Dangermond said: "We designed them so the analysts can be more productive in what is a very fast-paced operational tempo.

"We designed them so the analysts can be more productive in what is a very fast-paced operational tempo."

"We also believe that by adopting these tools, the value of the US Army’s investment in Esri technology will be maximised."

US Army Training and Doctrine Command Sensor Processing capability manager colonel Ed Riehle said: "Esri technology, such as the templates, gives the army an easy-to-use, technical advantage that helps soldiers optimise GEOINT capability resident in DCGS-A."

Working in collaboration with analysts and specialists at the US Army Intelligence Center of Excellence at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, Esri staff refined the template requirements and also customised them to match the DCGS-A workflows.

Available on a variety of army websites, including the DCGS-A portal, intelligence knowledge network, and ArcGIS for the military-land operations, the templates are said to help analysts create sketches of military compounds and maps that show safe and suitable areas for landing helicopters.

Specifically, they include incident analysis to map an improvised explosive device (IED) or other significant events, cross-country mobility analysis to identify key terrain and sketch approach routes, and intervisibility analysis to identify areas of cover and concealment.

The DCGS-A is the army’s primary system for posting data, processing information, and disseminating intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) information about the threat, weather and terrain for intelligence analysts and commanders.

Defence Technology