The US State Department has approved a possible sale of TOW 2A, radio frequency (RF) missiles, and M220A2 TOW launchers to Morocco.

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of the possible $157m sale.

"The BGM-71 TOW is a long-range anti-tank missile."

The country has requested 600 units of TOW 2A radio frequency (RF) missiles (BGM-71E-4B-RF) and seven TOW 2A and 300 M220A2 launchers from the US to modernise its ground defence capability.

The US is also expected to provide support services, including missile support equipment, technical manuals, spare parts, test equipment, training, and technical / logistical support.

Raytheon has been selected as prime contractor for the sale.

The BGM-71 TOW is a long-range anti-tank missile, featuring multi-mission TOW 2A, TOW 2B, TOW 2B Aero, and TOW bunker buster missile variants. It isdesigned to penetrate explosive reactive armour, bunkers, fortifications, and amphibious landing craft in complex urban environments.

The missile is used by more than 40 international armed forces, and is integrated on more than 15,000 ground, vehicle, and helicopter platforms worldwide.

In July, the US approved the sale of BGM-71 wireless-guided TOW 2A missiles to Lebanon.