Lenco MRAP

Lenco Industries has successfully completed the underbody and side-blast testing of its ballistic engineered armoured response (BEAR) troop transport vehicle at the US Army’s Aberdeen Test Centre at Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland, US.

Based on a Freightliner truck chassis, the BEAR is a 17-man troop transport armoured vehicle, and is primarily designed for military and government personnel and international security forces operating in hostile environments.

The vehicle, which combines Lenco’s proven Mil-Spec steel armour construction, with an additional composite B-Kit and engineering changes designed to deflect blast pressure, offers seating for 12 personnel on convoy missions, cargo and troop transport, as well as perimeter patrol and security missions.

"The BEAR is a 17-man troop transport armoured vehicle, and is primarily designed for military and government personnel and international security forces."

Lenco vice-president Len Light said improvised explosive devices (IEDs) continue to be one of the most pressing concerns for military operatives and overseas diplomatic transport.

"We’re proud to provide a blast-resistant vehicle that has proven to outperform its military counterparts in protection and survivability," Light said.

The vehicle’s modified V-hull, which is modelled after the traditional mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) vehicles, can withstand direct underbody blasts and mortar-round attacks.

Additional key survivability features include blast seats, full fire suppression capabilities and run flat tyres, as well as a variety of communications and intelligence sensors, which will be made available based on customer requirements.

Available in either two or four-wheel drive, the BEAR is currently fielded overseas in hostile regions by US Government convoy teams and diplomatic security details.

Image: The BEAR vehicle offers protection against direct underbody blasts or close proximity mortar-round attacks. Photo: courtesy of Lenco Industries.

Defence Technology