Kratos Defense & Security Solutions has been awarded a multi-million dollar subcontract for the modernisation of the US Army’s CH-47F Chinook Avionics Trainers (CAT).
The deal, awarded by Usfalcon under the Aviation Applied Technology Directorate (AATD) SPOTS V contract, requires the company to perform upgrade services to four of the simulators currently located at the army’s 128th Aviation Brigade in Fort Eustis, Virginia, US.
Specifically, this includes the aircraft product improvement programme one (PIP1), which will ensure concurrency of the simulators to the aircraft, as well as other product lifecycle and functional improvements, such as the networking of simulators to enable trainees to perform more advanced maintenance scenarios.
Kratos Training Solutions senior vice-president Jose Diaz said that the maintenance of the CH-47, which is a vital asset for troops, is critical to the army.
"Based on our detailed knowledge of these simulators, coupled with the use of our advanced software integration lab capability, device downtime will be minimised and student training will continue during the upgrade period," Diaz said.
Manufactured by Kratos, the CH-47F CAT is a high fidelity hands-on training system (HOTS) designed to train soldiers in fault isolation procedures (FIPs), remove and install (R/I) tasks, and system and subsystem familiarisation in a fully immersive physical environment.
Additional tasks include servicing and inspection, maintenance operational checks (MOCs), and component identification.
It is currently used to support heavy-lift helicopter maintenance training at the US Army’s Aviation Logistics School (USAALS) in Fort Eustis.
Image: A CH-47F Chinook helicopter of the US Army. Photo: courtesy of www.army.mil.