The Indian Army will induct at least 124 Arjun tanks over the next six months, according to the Indian Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).
DRDO chief controller of research and development W Selvamurthy said that all the tanks were in various stages of production and would be inducted into the army by April 2010.
The Arjun, measuring 10.638m long and 3.864m wide, is the main battle tank of the Indian Army.
Weighing 58.5t, the vehicle has an operational range of 450km, with a speed of 72km/h.
The tank’s artillery includes a 120mm main rifled gun, fed by modular projectiles and fitted with armour-piercing warheads. The main gun has an elevation range of -9º to +20º.
The state-of-the-art main battle tank was designed and developed by the Combat Vehicles Research and Development Establishment at Avadi in Tamil Nadu.