The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency within the US Department of Defense has contracted Raytheon to provide an interoperable wireless military network gateway.

The Mobile Ad-Hoc Interoperability GATEway (MAINGATE) will integrate heterogeneous military, civil or coalition radios into a single network to facilitate unified communications.

Network Centric Systems Integrated Communications Systems vice-president Jerry Powlen said that the MAINGATE solution enables legacy analogue and digital communication systems to be networked.

MAINGATE uses a two-channel, high data rate, next-generation network-centric radio system.

The system enables more than 30 different military and civil radios to communicate with one another while concurrently providing a high-capacity, mobile network.

Other incorporated technologies include disruption-tolerant networking, line-of-sight communications systems and multi-input, multi-output technology to improve performance in urban environments.

The contract provides Raytheon $24.4m for one year with an option to extend the contract to 2012 with an accumulated value of $155m.