The Indian Army has issued a request for information (RFI) to purchase 1,000 units of lightweight, long-range anti-material rifles in a move to modernise its infantry.
According to the RFI, the army has specified the weapon to be 15kg with a calibre of 12.7mm and a range of 1.5km, and intends to use the anti-material rifles during conventional and subconventional operations.
The specifications also require the weapon to be rugged and man portable by a crew of two and to be able to function in all terrain and climatic conditions experienced in India.
The rifle should be capable of destroying light armoured vehicles, field fortifications and low flying helicopters from a long distance and capable of operating at a greater range, according to
The decision to acquire the rifles has come after the Indian version of the similar rifle, Vidhwansak, failed to meet the requirements of the Indian Army due to its above specified weight.